Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, April 23

Correct these tricky sentences: 
In pairs, or in goups of three, go through these sentences and try to correct them. 
Talk to each other and decide how to write the sentence in a better way. 
Explain why you have made the corrections. Take notes. 
For this activity, I want you to put pen to paper. If you just copy and paste these sentences into a document, the computer will mark the errors and you will not learn as much. You are supposed to gain knowledge, not the computer. 

One other thing that i think is important to the future is that all the people who is there learn each other’s languages.

On the evenings we could do things like a quiz about the difrent countries everybody come from.

I like to make alot of activities on my free time.

In the evenings it will be nice to telling ghost storys

I live in a town who is located in the south of Sweden.

People doesn’t understand that.

On the countryside there are much tourists in the summer

Im a boy on 15 years who come from Sweden

Work with grammar here:

Tips for the national tests this week: 

Pep talk from kid president: 

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