Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Matilda: chapter 9

The Wormwoods 

Discussion questions:

  • The kids are afraid of “The Trunchbull”, why?
  • Have you met a someone you were afraid of?
  • What can you do if someone decides something and you think it’s wrong?
  • Would you stand up to “The Trunchbull”? Why or why not?

Chapter 9: The Parents

1. When and why does Miss Honey go to the Wormwood’s house?

2.  List three of the names the Wormwoods call Miss Honey:

Monday, January 29, 2018

Matilda: Chapters 7 and 8

Today we are going to get to know Miss Honey (chapter 7, page 62 in your books) and The Trunchbull (chapter 8, page 78 in your books), two very different characters.

We will listen to the chapters together and then you will answer these questions in your workbooks:

1. Which words go with which person? (Miss Honey or Miss Trunchbull)

calm, frightening, strong, kind, rude, angry, dangerous, never shouts

Miss Honey:

Miss Trunchbull:

(Miss Honey)
3. Write the correct name in the sentences:

A)_________________________________ is the headmistress at Crunchem Hall.

B)_________________________________ is a nice and kind teacher.

C)_________________________________ is a small boy who can spell cat.

D)_________________________________ is a girl from Matilda’s class who says   
                                    she can read whole sentences.

(The Trunchbull)
4. How does Miss Honey feel about going to see Miss Trunchbull?

Matilda, chapters 7 and 8

Before we continue to read the book Matilda, you are going to work with the following words;
Words from chapter 7;
Words from capter 8;

We will listen to chapter 7 and then you will read chapter 8 alone.
You will also answer theese questions in your workbooks;

1. Which words go with which person? (Miss Honey or Miss Trunchbull)
calm, frightening, strong, kind, rude, angry, dangerous, never shouts

Miss Honey:

Miss Trunchbull:

(Miss Honey)
3. Write the correct name in the sentences:

A)_________________________________ is the headmistress at Crunchem Hall.

B)_________________________________ is a nice and kind teacher.

C)_________________________________ is a small boy who can spell cat.

D)_________________________________ is a girl from Matilda’s class who says   
                                    she can read whole sentences.

(The Trunchbull)

4. How does Miss Honey feel about going to see Miss Trunchbull?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Matilda: Chapters 5 and 6

  • How does Matilda cope with her awful parents? 
  • Do your parents do awful things too? What would that be?
  • How do you cope with your parents when they are “not so cool”?
  • What makes a good parent?
Listen to/read chapters 5 and 6 

Answer questions in workbook 

1. Which words go with which person? (Miss Honey or Miss Trunchbull)

calm, frightening, strong, kind, rude, angry, dangerous, never shouts

Miss Honey:

Miss Trunchbull:

(The Platinum-Blonde Man)
2. What does Matilda do in revenge against her father?

Work with words:

Matilda: Chapters 5 and 6

  • How does Matilda cope with her awful parents? 
  • Do your parents do awful things too? What would that be?
  • How do you cope with your parents when they are “not so cool”?
  • What makes a good parent?
Listen to/read chapters 5 and 6 

Answer questions in workbook 

1. Which words go with which person? (Miss Honey or Miss Trunchbull)

calm, frightening, strong, kind, rude, angry, dangerous, never shouts

Miss Honey:

Miss Trunchbull:

(The Platinum-Blonde Man)
2. What does Matilda do in revenge against her father?

Work with words: 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Matilda: Chapters 3 and 4

South Africa III

  • Warm-up: Who is the man in the picture? What do you know about him? Discuss with your deskmate.

  • Start with our writing assignment on South Africa. 

Write between 200 and 500 words about one of the topics below. Write in a Google doc, Word Online or put pen to paper.  

  • Write a factual text about South Africa. 

General information about South Africa: size, geography, the meaning of the flag, government, currency, languages, religion, cities.
-Name some interesting tourist attractions one can visit and see (like Table mountain, Cape Town, Kruger National Park)
-Write about one important historic event (Apartheid, Robben Island, when Nelson Mandela became president, Boer war, the Independence struggle.)
-Compare your life with the life of a teenager in South Africa.
  • Write a travel diary or a travel blog from South Africa
Write about an imaginary trip that you go on to South Africa. Weave in facts about the places that you visit in your text. Include comparisons between life in Sweden and life in South Africa. 

  • Write an interview with Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, Charlize Theron or another person from South Africa
Pretend that you are interviewing a person from South Africa, famous or not. Have them tell you about their country and compare South Africa to your country. 

What to aim for: 

Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt på ett relevant och effektivt sätt använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.
I muntliga och skriftliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande. Eleven formulerar sig även med flyt och viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation. För att förtydliga och variera sin kommunikation kan eleven bearbeta och göra välgrundade förbättringar av egna framställningar. 
Eleven diskuterar utförligt och nyanserat några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används och kan då också göra välutvecklade och nyanserade jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.

South Africa III

  • Warm-up: Who is the man in the picture? What do you know about him? Discuss with your deskmate.

  • Start with our writing assignment on South Africa. 

Write between 200 and 500 words about one of the topics below. Write in a Google doc, Word Online or put pen to paper.  

  • Write a factual text about South Africa. 

General information about South Africa: size, geography, the meaning of the flag, government, currency, languages, religion, cities.
-Name some interesting tourist attractions one can visit and see (like Table mountain, Cape Town, Kruger National Park)
-Write about one important historic event (Apartheid, Robben Island, when Nelson Mandela became president, Boer war, the Independence struggle.)
-Compare your life with the life of a teenager in South Africa.
  • Write a travel diary or a travel blog from South Africa
Write about an imaginary trip that you go on to South Africa. Weave in facts about the places that you visit in your text. Include comparisons between life in Sweden and life in South Africa. 

  • Write an interview with Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, Charlize Theron or another person from South Africa
Pretend that you are interviewing a person from South Africa, famous or not. Have them tell you about their country and compare South Africa to your country. 

What to aim for: 

Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt på ett relevant och effektivt sätt använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.
I muntliga och skriftliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande. Eleven formulerar sig även med flyt och viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation. För att förtydliga och variera sin kommunikation kan eleven bearbeta och göra välgrundade förbättringar av egna framställningar. 
Eleven diskuterar utförligt och nyanserat några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används och kan då också göra välutvecklade och nyanserade jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.

Matilda: Chapters 3 and 4

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Matilda: Chapters 2 and 3

Mr. Wormwood, the great car dealer

  • Work with questions in your workbook. 

  • Read chapter 3 on your own.
  • Answer questions for that chapter as well. 

Matilda: Chapters 2 and 3

Mr. Wormwood, the great car dealer

  • Work with questions in your workbook. 

  • Read chapter 3 on your own.
  • Answer questions for that chapter as well. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

United States III

After watching a film about teenagers in New York you are going to reflect upon the similarities
and differences between your own lives and those of the teenagers in the film.

When you talk in groups, use these words and expressions to get ideas on how to get your discussion even further.



Make a Venn diagram with two interlocking circles (I will show you how).

Which of the teenagers in the film do you feel that you have the most in common with? Write his or her name above the circle on the right. Now write down keywords on the paper. What similarities are there in your lives? What differences are there?

2. PAIR - with one or two deskmates

Use your notes as a basis for this conversation.

a. Tell your friend which of the teenagers you picked and why. Describe your similarities and differences. Ask your friend to do the same.
b. Does life in New York appeal to you? Would you like to live there? Why/why not? Give examples and ask each other follow up questions.
c. There are vast differences between the lives of the four teenagers in the film. Are the differences between teenagers in your town just as big? Why/why not? Give examples and ask each other follow up questions.

3. SHARE - in class
Together we discuss pros and cons (good things and bad things) about living in New York and living in your town.

(Lesson plan by Mia Smith)
United States II

  • Step one: Make sure that you have shared last week's assignment with me and found facts about at least one of the United States of America 
  • Step two, if you are finished: 

Learn the states! 

Read interesting facts about the different states 

... and check out more info here: 

Take this quiz to test your knowledge: 

United States II

  • Step one: Make sure that you have shared last week's assignment with me and found facts about at least one of the United States of America 
  • Step two, if you are finished: 

Learn the states! 

Read interesting facts about the different states 

... and check out more info here: 

Take this quiz to test your knowledge: 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

South Africa II
Warm-up: Write a few sentences to describe what you see in this picture. What does the picture have to do with South Africa?

Pick five words and write synonyms to them (i.e walk - stroll)
Pick five words and write a Swedish translation to them (i.e blue - blå)
Pick five words and write them into sentences 
Write in the same document you wrote your answers in yesterday, or in your notebook. 
Games & fun

  • Work with (if you have headphones) 
  • Play a game here:  
  • Play with the Akinator:
  • Play on Quick draw with Google:
  • Can you find six words hidden in the picture?
  • Emoji Riddles;

  • Bildresultat för keep calm and learn english

    Games & fun

  • Work with (if you have headphones) 
  • Play a game here:  
  • Play with the Akinator:
  • Play on Quick draw with Google:
  • Can you find six words hidden in the picture?
  • Emoji Riddles;

  • Bildresultat för keep calm and learn english

    Monday, January 15, 2018

    South Africa I
    Welcome back to English after the holidays.

    For the first weeks of the spring term, we are going to work with South Africa. As you may remember, we watched the movie Invictus before the holidays.

    To start today's lesson, let's have a look at this picture. What do you think is in this photo (click to enlarge)? Write down what you think and then we will discuss it.

    Then, we are going to work with these words in order for us to understand the text better: 

    Then, we are going to have a look at these questions:
    •  Why do people in South Africa speak Afrikaans, a dialect of Dutch? 
    • ... And why do they speak English too? 
    • What was apartheid?
    • When did South Africa finally become a democracy?

    Answer the questions in your notebook or in a Google doc. 

    South Africa I

    Welcome back to English after the holidays.

    For the first weeks of the spring term, we are going to work with South Africa. As you may remember, we watched the movie Invictus before the holidays.

    To start today's lesson, let's have a look at this picture. What do you think is in this photo (click to enlarge)? Write down what you think and then we will discuss it.

    Then, we are going to work with these words in order for us to understand the text better: 

    Then, we are going to have a look at these questions:
    •  Why do people in South Africa speak Afrikaans, a dialect of Dutch? 
    • ... And why do they speak English too? 
    • What was apartheid?
    • When did South Africa finally become a democracy?

    Answer the questions in your notebook or in a Google doc. 

    Thursday, January 11, 2018

    Choice Menus  

    Hello class!
    Down below you will find the "menu" for today's lesson. You need to work with... 
    • the starter, 
    • at least one main course, 
    • and if there is time... dessert.

    Choice menu for January 12


    Main courses 

    This activity should take most of the lesson. If you finish, you can have dessert. 

    Option one: 
    Read the article about Tom and do the exercises to practise and improve your reading skills.

    Option two:
    Look at the flyer and do the exercises to practise and improve your reading skills.

    Option three:
    Look at these emails between a student and his friend who is studying in Scotland, then do the exercises to improve your reading skills.

    You can only have dessert if you are finished with your main course! ;) 

    Bildresultat för keep calm and learn english

    Wednesday, January 10, 2018

    Find facts about a state!

    As a starter for our project on the United States of America, you are going to find out about some general facts about one of the states in the country. You are free to choose whichever state you prefer.

    Find as many facts as you can from this page.

    ... or this:

    You will work with this task during the two first English lessons of the year.  If you have time, include some pictures of the facts.

    ... if you have even more time... pick another state to find facts about!

    Share your document with your teacher when you are done.

    Kunskapskrav som behandlas i detta:

    För att underlätta sin förståelse av innehållet i det talade språket och texterna kan eleven välja och använda sig av någon strategi för lyssnande och läsning. Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samtmed viss relevans använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.

    För att underlätta sin förståelse av innehållet i det talade språket och texterna kan eleven i viss utsträckning välja och använda sig av strategier för lyssnande och läsning. Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt på ett relevant sätt använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.

    För att underlätta sin förståelse av innehållet i det talade språket och texterna kan eleven i viss utsträckning välja och använda sig av strategier för lyssnande och läsning. Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt på ett relevant och effektivt sätt använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.

    Down below you will see the information that you are going to find.  (Tip: copy the following text (crtl + c) and paste it (ctrl + v) in a Google document (or Word online) and then add the information that you find!)

    A picture that represents the state in some way:

    The name of the state: 

    Three largest cities: 

    State slogan: 

    State population: 

    State capital: 

    State nickname: 

    State abbreviation: 

    State colors: 

    State flower: 

    Year of statehood: 

    The highest point: 

    Number of representatives in the House of Representatives: 

    A sports team from this state: 

    Three agricultural products: 

    A famous artist or actor/actress from this state: 

    A tourist sight or attraction to visit in this state: 

    Have a look at my example with the state Ohio: 

    A trip to the United States

    What do you already know about the United States of America? What do you think of when you hear the name of the country?
    What would you like to learn about the United States? Which places would you be interested in visiting if you could go to there?