Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Christmas Carol: Parts 1 and 2

Who was Charles Dickens? What made him write  A Christmas Carol
Today we are going to read the first part of A Christmas Carol and work with the text. 

15 words from part 1: 

As dead as a doornail
Cheer up

--> 5.20 

Read text and answer questions 

13 words from part 2: 


Practice words here: 

Do a quiz on parts 1 and 2 of A Christmas Carol here:
The room name is SVJ.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Inventions: Social media

  • How does social media affect your brain? 
Watch this video and answer the questions below. 
  • How big part of the world's population use social media?
  • What type of social media do you use? 
  • What is a problem that 5-10% of the Internet users have? 
  • Have you experienced this?
  • What is Phantom Vibration Syndrome? Explain it in your own words, Have you ever experienced this? 
  • Describe the main differences between face to face conversations and social media postings.
Second part of the lesson: 
Some of you need to finish the Socrative quiz from last week. You do this by going to and typing the room name SVJ. Unfortunately, you cannot start from where you left off last time, so just start from the beginning and skip ahead until you find a question that you have not answered. 

.. And those of you who are finished with the Socrative quiz are going to work with words on Quizlet To do that, you go to this link:

Thursday, November 17, 2016

First World War: Lesson two

Warm up: Look at the picture below and describe what you see. Write in your notebooks.

Compare your answer with a friend.

More animals in the war: 

Second activity: Go through answers British Council activity, which we did during the Monday lesson.

Third activity: watch video World War I in 6 minutes and answer these questions:

  • What incident marked the beginning of WWI?
  • What new weapons or technologies were used during WWI?
  • What were some of the dangers of the trenches?
  • What made the United States enter the war? 
  • Which WWI battle caused more than 80,000 deaths in the first day of the battle?
  • What did Germany use in the water to attack British vessels?
Final question: What are your thoughts about this video or the first world war in general? 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Inventions: Smart phones and social media

Today we are going to watch clips and talk about two inventions in particular, which are smartphones and social media.

  • Are we living in a world forever transformed by smartphones? 

Some questions to discuss after you have seen this clip: 
  • How do you start your day? 
  • How do you communicate with friends and family? In what way do think this is this different from the means of communication 15 years ago?
  • How many per cent of their day do you think people spend on their on cellphones? Do you think it is like this in all over the world? 
  • What are some positive outcomes of smartphones?

Sunday, November 13, 2016


When we have our second lesson on the theme of inventions, we are going to....

  • Work with some of the invention words from our last lesson: 

Sewing machine
Light bulb

  • Read and listen to a text about a very famous man named Leonardo da Vinci, This text is on pages 86-88 in What's Up? 8.
  • ... and do a quiz on a page called Socrative. To reach the quiz, you go to and you write the room name SVJ. Then you write your name and start answering questions. There are 23 questions. Some of them are multiple choice questions, some are true or false questions and for some of the questions you need to type a short answer. 

Four nations: wrapping it up

For today's lesson, we are going to sum up what we have learnt about the UK during the last weeks and prepare for the discussion activity which we are doing the next lesson.

First, we are going to watch a short video clip and answer questions about it. The clip is about the four nations that together form the UK. Do you remember which these are?

What did you learn about each of these countries?
What similarities and differences are there between the United Kingdom and Sweden?

... Then we are going to go through the plan for the next lessons.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


We are continuing our tour around the UK and today we have come to Wales. We will read a text about the country and then answer questions on Socrative. To reach the quiz, you go to and write the room number  F5C2AC5A, your name and the name of your class. There are 14 questions. When you are done, you do the activities for the text on this page:

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Writing short stories

Welcome back, students! Hopefully you have had a relaxing fall break with time to rest and get ready for the last weeks of the semester.
I have read your short stories and given you feedback on what you have written so far. Many of the things that I have commented on I have needed to write on more than one text. During today's lesson you are going to use the feedback you have received and the general comments to improve your short stories. 

General grammar things: 
She's = She is = Hon är 
Her = Hennes 
* You use hers when there is no word after this pronoun, as in "It is her pen. The pen is hers
This also goes for yours, ours and theirs

He's = He is = Han är 
His = Hans 

Verbs in the present tense have an s in the end when you talk about he, she or it. 
I play football on Sundays. 
He plays football on Sundays. 

Of course you can replace these pronouns with names, too. 
Lionel plays football on Sundays. 

Where = var (plats)
Were = var (verb i dåtid)

More writing tips 
Divide your text into paragraphs! This makes it a lot easier to read and follow. The example text shows this rather clearly with a division into beginning, middle and ending. You can follow this in your short stories too.

Vary your writing; use synonyms to show that you have  more varied vocabulary. Also vary the way you begin sentences. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Today we are going to learn about Scotland. We are going to read a text about the country and then work with questions about it on  a page called Socrative. In order to reach the quiz, you go to and write room name SVJ.
and to finish, we will find out what a Scottish accent can sound like.
Done with the quiz and bored? Do the activities that go along with the text on this page: