Thursday, November 30, 2017

Listening and reading practice
We are going to practice listening here: 

... and reading here:

Firstly, let us practice the words that will appear in the text about Roald Dahl here: 

Then, we will read the text together: 
and do the activities that go along with the text.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Listening and reading practice
We are going to practice listening here: 

... and reading here:

Firstly, let us practice the words that will appear in the text about Roald Dahl here: 

Then, we will read the text together: 
and do the activities that go along with the text.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Listening comprehension practice

First, today's grammar: verbs that are reflexive in Swedish, but not in English. Click and drag to match the English sentences with their Swedish translations. 

Then, some warm-up for us to get used to listening: 

And lastly, we are going to do a listening comprehension about the United States
Answer questions on Socrative here: 
Room name is SVJ

Discuss these questions after listening: 

  • Which is easier to understand, British English or American English? Why? 
  • Do you think it would make a difference if you had to call your teachers by their last names? Why/Why not? 
  • Do you think Swedish teenagers should be allowed to drive a car earlier than now? Why/Why not?  
  • What are you proud of in your school/town/in Sweden? Why? 

... And tomorrow we are going to do an old National listening test. 

Listening and reading practice

We are going to practice listening here: 

... and reading here:

Firstly, let us practice the words that will appear in the text about Roald Dahl here: 

Then, we will read the text together: 
and do the activities that go along with the text.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Choice menu | 03C

Good morning, class! Unfortunately, I cannot be with you today because I am taking care of year 9's national tests. Down below you will find the "menu" for today's lesson. You need to pick... 
  • one starter, 
  • at least one main course, 
  • and if there is time... dessert.

Choice menu for November 23


Pick one (or do both if there is time) and spend 5-10 minutes at the beginning of the lesson with this. 

Main courses 

This activity should take most of the lesson. 

Option one: 

Look up any difficult words on or 

Write a short summary about why Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, how they celebrate and what they eat. Write in a Google document and share with me, 

Option two: 

Pick one of the texts in this section: that looks interesting. Do the activities for it and answer the Discussion question in a Google document that you share with me. Write and explain as much as you can.

Option three: 

Work with the page 
Your login is the first letter of your first name and your last name, in one word. The password is Smarties2
(Mine would for example be jsvensson )

*Check your lärlogg on Unikum if your last name is Pettersson, Johansson or Jaha


You can only have dessert if you are finished with your main course! ;) 


Now that we are done working with Australia, New Zealand and India, I would like you to answer these four questions:

November 23 | Choice menus

Good morning, class! Unfortunately, I cannot be with you today because I am taking care of year 9's national tests. Down below you will find the "menu" for today's lesson. You need to pick... 
  • one starter, 
  • at least one main course, 
  • and if there is time... dessert.

Choice menu for November 23 


Pick one (or two if there is time) and spend 5-10 minutes at the beginning of the lesson with this. 

Main courses 

This activity should take most of the lesson. 

Option one: 
(This is obligatory if you are not finished.) 

Finish your writing assignment on Bend it like Beckham and share with me, 
Those of you who have already shared your text with me, I have commented on your work and given you suggestions on how to improve it. 

Option two: 

Look up any difficult words on or 

Write a short summary about why Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, how they celebrate and what they eat. Write in a Google document and share with me, 

Option three: 

Pick one of the texts in this section: that looks interesting. Do the activities for it and answer the Discussion question in a Google document that you share with me. Write and explain as much as you can. 


You can only have dessert if you are finished with your main course! ;) 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Today's Grammar: Like or likes?

When you talk about he, she or it, you need to add an -s to the verb.

In this activity, match the person with the correct verb form (like or likes) by clicking and dragging. 
Short clips

We are going to dicuss different short clips today.

Do you agree/disagree?

What are your thought about these different topics?
Look Up | Gary Turk - Official Video

The Graffiti of Mr Tupaia


Work with words here.

Discuss these questions with your deskmate:

1. What would you do if you suspected that someone you know was getting bruised by someone else?
2. Is there someone in your school that you would turn to first if you suspected someone had these troubles? Why would you turn to that person?

We will watch the short film The Graffiti of Mr. Tupaia together.

  • How do you think Lena feels?
  • Why is she sad?
  • What has happened to her?
  • How do you think she feels when Mr. Tupaia writes his notes to her?
  • Why do you think Mr. T starts to wonder about the graffiti?
  • How would you describe Mr. T as a person?
  • How come the pool is empty?
  • What do you think about the swim coach at first? And at the end?
  • What do you think will happen in the future for Lena? 
  • What would you do if you saw a note like the one in the clip?
  • Do your teachers care like Mr T did?

Answer these questions on Socrative (room name is SVJ). Elaborate your answers, write as much as you can!

  • Talk about the opening scene. Describe it.
  • Talk about the story. What happens?
  • Describe the characters, Mr. Tupaia, Lena and the swimming instructor.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

November 21

Good afternoon! I will be doing national tests again today (with some of you!) so another teacher will take care of you today.

During today's lesson you are going to...

Fill in the correct preposition in the text here: 

Finish your argumentative text if you are not done with it...

Practice reading on 
Your login on this page is the first letter of your first name and your last name in one word, small letters (mine would be jsvensson, for example. The password is Smarties2

*If you have two last names, use both. If your name is Andersson or Svensson, check your lärlogg

Pick a text to read on this page (on the A2, B1 or B2 level): 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Let's Argue: An Argumentative Text and Speaking Practice

Good afternoon, boys and girls! Because of the national speaking tests I can not be with you today, but I know that you will do just fine.

Today you are going to give and get peer response on your argumentative texts. As help for peer response, (and also for you to know whether you are finished with your text) use the checklist in this blog post. Click on the link to get to the checklist.

When you have improved your text and made sure that it is as good as it can get, you are going to share with me on

Then, you are going to practice speaking with your partner/s. To prepare, you can work with expressions from speaking cards on
Log in with username susles7812 and password hello 
Then work with the sets that are called "National test - Quesions and answers" and "National test cards"
You can also practice discussion expressions here: 

Together with your partner, discuss these "Betwen a Rock and a Hard Place" a.k.a "Would you rather...?" questions: 

... and discuss any of these topics that appeal to you: 

Today's Grammar: Prepositions of Place

Have a look at the infographic down below to help you remember when to use which preposition of place: 

Then do this activity. Match the place with the correct preposition: 

Let's Argue: 

Thesis: Reality TV shows are good entertainment

Preparation activity: Which sentences are FOR reality TV shows?
Which sentences are AGAINST reality TV shows?

Check your understanding: Which arguments are mentioned in the text?

Check your understanding: Re-order the essay structure

Check your understanding: Work with linking words

During next lesson, you are going to start to write your own argumentative text. For today's lesson you are going to plan your text by thinking of something to argue for (or against) and thinking of ideas to support your argument.

If you finish early with planning, you can learn some more linking words here!

Today's Grammar: Verbs, verbs, verbs

Have a look at the pictures below to refresh your knowledge about verbs in English: 

... then do these two activities: 

Match the beginning of each sentence with its end: 

Fill in the missing verbs in this text. Remember to put an -s on the verb if it's about he, she or it.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Australia/New Zealand/India

What did we learn? What was good and what could be improved about the way we worked with these countries? Answer the questions as thoroughly as you can: 

New words on Quizlet to describe countries: 

Today's Grammar: Do or Does? II

Remember what we learnt yesterday with do or does? Do this activity as a continuation: 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Today's Grammar: Do or Does?



Practice speaking 

Username is susles7812 and password is hello 
(even if it's tempting, it does not continue with "... it's me. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet..."

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, chapters 211-229


How does Christopher manage to come to 451 C Chapter Road?

Let's find out! Which is the best way to take from King's Cross Station to 451C Chapter Road?

Christopher describes an advertisement for Malaysia located opposite him on the platform while he remains frozen in the station. Christopher doesn’t see the point of going on holiday to see new things and relax when a person can always discover new things where he is. Christopher gives the example of filling glasses with different amounts of water to form different notes when you run your finger along the lip.

What happens in this chapter? Describe the meeting that takes place.

That night, Christopher dreams a virus has killed nearly everyone on Earth. A person can catch the virus just by looking at someone that has it, even if the infected person is on television. The virus spreads very quickly until the only people left on Earth are people like Christopher who do not look at other people’s faces. In the dream, he can go anywhere he likes without fear of someone touching him or asking him questions. He can drive, and if he bumps into things it doesn’t matter. At the end of the dream he goes home to Father’s house in Swindon, only Father is gone. He makes himself Gobi Aloo Sag with red food coloring, watches a video about the solar system, plays computer games, and goes to bed. When he awakes from the dream he feels happy.

Monday, November 13, 2017

The British Isles: Film and Discussion

Bend it like Beckham:  

Jesminder (Jess) is an 18 year old British Indian girl from a family with traditional ideas. Jess loves football and her favorite football star, David Beckham. But her parents are unhappy that their daughter runs around in shorts chasing a ball. They want her to study to become a lawyer, learn to cook Indian food and marry a nice Indian boy. Will Jess follow her dream of becoming a professional footballer? 

Words from the movie: 

Writing assignment after watching the movie: 

Now that you have seen the movie Bend it like Beckham, you are going to write a text about it. Down below you have topics to choose from. You are free to choose which one you would like to write about, but you need to write at least 250 words.

1)   A movie review: Give a short summary of the movie and write about your opinion of it. 
  You can practice writing a movie review and see the structure of it here: 

2)  A journal entry: Write about the day in the life of one of the characters in the movie.

Dear diary,
Today I… 

3) Describe an event: Choose one of the things that happened in the movie and describe it as well as you can.  

One of the events that I remember from the movie… 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Today's Grammar 6

Conjunctions! You know, those small words that tie ideas in a sentence together. Today we are going to start the lesson with learning a bit more about them.

Conjunctions are words that link together other words and ideas in phrases. They let you form longer and more complex sentences and thus give more of a flow to your text. If you only write short, simple sentences, your text becomes a bit choppy. 

Compare this passage... 

"I like cooking. I like eating. I don't like washing dishes afterward."

to this: 

"I like cooking and eating but I don't like washing dishes afterward." 
Examples of conjunctions:

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, soboth/and, either/or, neither/nor, not only/but, whether/orafter, although, as, as if, as long as, as much as, as soon as, as though, because, before, by the time, even if, even though, if, in order that, in case, in the event that, lest , now that, once, only, only if, provided that, since, so, supposing, that, than, though, till, unless, until, when, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, whether or not, while

Now, let's put theory into practice: 

Let's Argue: Writing an Argumentative Text

Writing an argumentative text 

Last week we read a for and against essay about reality tv-shows and you got to think of a topic for an argumentative text. During today's and tomorrow's English lessons you are going to write your own texts. 

In this document you find instructions for the task. There is also an example of an argumentative text, ideas for topics (if you haven't decided yet), examples of linking words (here are even more)  and a rubric for assessment.  

During next week, you are going to have a peer read your text and give response to it. You will use the checklist below in order to give feedback to the text. 

Pre-handing in checklist and also Peer response

Does the text have... 

  • An introduction where the argument for or against something is presented?
    (I.e "I strongly believe that school uniforms should not be required in school"
  • At least three reasons to support the argument?
    (I.e kids should be encouraged to focus on school work and not on clothes, uniforms are not free and if parents have to spend money on kids' clothes they should get to choose, uniforms interfere with self-expression.
  • A counter-argument, which is refuted?
    (I.e some parents and teacher say that without uniforms, students will focus on clothes instead of school work, but if students are not encouraged to focus on school work they will never learn to be responsible"
  • A conclusion where the ideas are summed up?
    (I.e "In conclusion, school uniforms should not be required. If teachers and principals want to have a say about students' clothes, they should consider a school dress code"
  • Linking words such as the ones below to connect ideas?
    (in the sample text, they are marked in bold
Addition: And, furthermore, what is more, in addition, also, as well as
Reason: For this reason, because of, the main reason why, since, therefore
OrderFirst, firstly, in the first place, to begin with, second, after that,
Example: For example, for instance, such as
Summary: Finally, in conclusion, to sum up, to conclude

  • Spelling mistakes?
Avoid making these mistakes:
There: där, their: deras, they’re = they are: de är
Much: mycket, many: många
How: hur, Who: vem
No: nej, Know: veta
Want to: vill, will: ska
Where: var (plats), were: var

And mind the spelling of these words: with, because, of course, beautiful, couldn’t, wouldn’t

·         Any grammar mistakes?
Det finns: There is (1) There are (2->)

Det fanns: There was (1) There were ( 2->) 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Today's Grammar: To be in the past tense

During the last lesson we learnt when to use am, are and is. Today we are going to have a look at those forms in the past tense. When do you use "was" and "were"? And when do you use wasn't and weren't?

You are going to find out facts about one of these countries and then make a presentation about it. 
What should your presentation include? 

  • Where the country is located
  • Interesting facts about the country such as the capital, bigger cities, population, currency
  • Places worth visiting, things worth doing
  • Everyday life and food
  • Holidays and traditions and culture that is typical for the country


  • Why one should or should not visit this place 
  • What you think is typical for this country
  • what you learned about the country to what you knew or thought before. 
  • this country to your own country. How is it different? Is it similar in any way?
  • In what way is it different to be a teenager in your own country and the country you are writing about?
  • What travelling to this country could mean to a young person
  • One or two issues that are similar and/or different from your own experiences. 

(Click on picture to enlarge) 

An example of a presentation: 

Links that could be useful for your task: 

 Australia: (Australia compared to Sweden)

Visit for lots of more useful links. 

New Zealand: (New Zealand compared to Sweden)

Visit for lots of more useful links.

India: (India compared to Sweden)

Visit for lots of more useful links. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, chapters 181-199

Chapter 181 
What does Christopher do when he enters an unknown place?

Christopher explains that he must memorize every physical detail of his surroundings. In places he has already been to he can just note the changes that have happened since his last time there. But if Christopher is in a completely new place, processing his what is around him can make his mind freeze up, like a computer crash. Most people are not like this, and only glance at their surroundings before moving on. In a field in the countryside they might notice some cows. In the same field, Christopher would memorize the exact number of cows, their colors, and where they are. Christopher says that he is good at math and logic because he pays attention to detail.

Chapter 191 
What does Christopher do to clear his mind at the train station?

How does Christopher manage to get a train ticket?

Chapter 193
What does Christopher realize about time?

Christopher used to make timetables for all his toy trains and for himself. Christopher explains that time is not like space. If you put down an object you can draw a map back to it, or remember where it is . The object is where you left it. But time is the relationship between things that have happened and is not a fixed relationship. If you travel near the speed of light in a spaceship you may come back to find that everyone you know is dead, while you remain young. If you get lost in a desert you are in a desert, but if you get lost in time you are nowhere at all. Christopher likes timetables because they make sure that he does not get lost in time.

Chapter 197 
Where does Christopher hide from the police?

Chapter 199
Christopher thinks that people believe in God illogically, because they do not realize that unlikely things can happen by chance. He illustrates the three conditions needed to result in life: Replication, Mutation, and Heritability. He says humans are animals just like any other, only luckier evolutionarily. One day an animal will evolve that will be smarter than humans are, or humans will catch a disease and die out, leaving some other creature to be the best animal.

Today's Grammar: To have and to be

When do you use have and when do you use has?

Okay, but what about am, are is? 


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Let's Argue: An Argumentative Text

Today's lesson: 
Think of what topic to write about

... and what ideas to support your argument. 

Let's Argue: Lesson 4 

Thesis: Reality TV shows are good entertainment

Preparation activity: Which sentences are FOR reality TV shows?
Which sentences are AGAINST reality TV shows?

Check your understanding: Which arguments are mentioned in the text?

Check your understanding: Re-order the essay structure

Check your understanding: Work with linking words

During next week, you are going to write your own argumentative text. For today's lesson you are going to plan your text by thinking of something to argue for (or against) and thinking of ideas to support your argument.

If you finish early with planning, you can learn some more linking words here!

Today's Grammar 4

Have a look at this piece of information about modal verbs: 


Now that we are done working with Australia, New Zealand and India, I would like you to answer these four questions: 

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, chapters 167-179

Chapter 167 

What does Christopher's dad confess when he puts him to bed?

How did Christopher react when he found out the truth?

Why is it logical for Christopher to run away?

Christopher's parents sometimes lose their temper with him. Do you think this is understandable or do you think that they as adults should have better control?

Chapter 173 - summary
From the space behind the shed, Christopher can see the constellation Orion. He says people call it Orion because it looks like a hunter with a club, but he says the stars in the constellation can be joined to make any number of shapes, such as a dinosaur. At any rate, he says, Orion is not a hunter: it is a series of 21 stars billions of miles away.

Chapter 179 

Where does Christopher decide to go after leaving his house?

How does Christopher find the train station?

You predict! Will Christopher get to London?

Monday, November 6, 2017

Today's Grammar: Adjectives 

Let's Argue: Lesson 3

We will continue to practice expressing our opinions in speaking and in writing. Today we are going to practice discussing in the pairs you are going to be in during the national tests in week 47.

Questions to discuss...

What are some good things and bad things about social media?

How do you think social media has changed the way we live?

Could you imagine quitting social media? Why/why not?

Read this text and do the activities for it.