Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 23 | Choice menus

Good morning, class! Unfortunately, I cannot be with you today because I am taking care of year 9's national tests. Down below you will find the "menu" for today's lesson. You need to pick... 
  • one starter, 
  • at least one main course, 
  • and if there is time... dessert.

Choice menu for November 23 


Pick one (or two if there is time) and spend 5-10 minutes at the beginning of the lesson with this. 

Main courses 

This activity should take most of the lesson. 

Option one: 
(This is obligatory if you are not finished.) 

Finish your writing assignment on Bend it like Beckham and share with me, 
Those of you who have already shared your text with me, I have commented on your work and given you suggestions on how to improve it. 

Option two: 

Look up any difficult words on or 

Write a short summary about why Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, how they celebrate and what they eat. Write in a Google document and share with me, 

Option three: 

Pick one of the texts in this section: that looks interesting. Do the activities for it and answer the Discussion question in a Google document that you share with me. Write and explain as much as you can. 


You can only have dessert if you are finished with your main course! ;) 

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