Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Trip to an English Speaking Country, part II

Today you are going to...
  • Finish your travel blog. Share the blog wtih me,
    If you are finished, you are going to... 
  • Start preparing for your next task, which is to make a presentation about your trip. 

Presentation about your trip 

Now that you are back from your virtual trip, you are going to make a short presentation about it. 

Include the following information in your presentation: 
  • Where you have been and where the country or territory is located. 
  • Interesting facts about the country such as the capital, bigger cities, population, currency
  • Choose two or three pictures from the country you have visited. Describe the pictures and tell us why they are special for the country.
    The pictures could be of for example famous sights or typical food from the country.
  • What did you learn about the country and was that different from what you thought or knew before?
  • Do you recommend going there? Why or why not? 
Remember to write down keywords or draw a mindmap of what you are going to speak about. Do not read from a script.

Not sure how to strucutre your presentation? Have a look at mine about Zimbabwe for some inspiration! 

You should be ready to present by next Monday: May 22nd. You will present in smaller groups or you can   record yourself on a phone, tablet, computer or another device that you can think of which records people and e-mail to me by this date. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Dream School

Practise school words here: 

and here:

Dream school 

What’s your idea of a Dream school? A newspaper asked school students to describe their ideal school. These were some of the things that the children wanted:

  • A flexible timetable 
  • Time to understand things 
  • Speakers that play music instead of a bell 
  • A teacher-pupil swap day 
  • A very big door so that everyone can go into school together 
  • Tables in the playground 
  • More flexibility to choose subjects 
  • Better whiteboards 
  • A bigger building 
  • More stationery for pupils 
  • Longer ICT lessons 
  • Nice, smiling teachers 
  • Friendly children
Do you agree/disagree with the things on the list? Ask a partner what they think. 

Design your dream school! Write a text in a Google document or on Word online and share with 

Include these things in your text: 

  • School building 
  • School yard 
  • Furniture
  • Break activities 
  • Exams and homework
  • Rules
  • Teachers 
  • Students 

Useful language: 

My dream school is/has… 
I think that… 
I would like more/less… 

(Lesson plan adapted from here: 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday - May 8th

I will be correcting year 9's national tests, so someone else will take care of you today. You are going to work with Chromebooks and keep preparing for your presentations. Here is a link to the assignment
Remember that you need to be either ready to present in class or have sent me your presentation in an e-mail to by Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Number the Stars, chapters 16-17 + afterword

Since we are going to move on with our new project, we won't spend any more lesson time on Number the Stars, but I will still ask you to hand in what you did have time to work with and give you feedback on that.

Here are the answers to the last set of questions:

Chapter 16: I will tell you just a little
What did Annemarie learn about Peter from Uncle Henrik?
That he was in the Resistance.

 What were the two clues that should have made Annemarie understand the truth about Peter?
That he had the newspaper De Frie Danske and that he always seemed to be on the move. 

What was Uncle Henrik’s explanation for each of the following:
● Annemarie not seeing the Rosens in the boat: They were hiding under the floor board.
● The use of a drug on the baby: The baby was drugged so that it wouldn't wake and cry.
● The handkerchief: A special drug was in the handkerchief which attracted the dogs but ruined their sense of smell so that they couldn't smell the people on the boats. 

What would have happened if Annemarie had not gotten the handkerchief to Uncle Henrik?
The dogs would have smelled the humans.

What do you think life will be like in Sweden for the Rosens?
Open question – but worth noticing is that Sweden unlike Denmark was a free country during the 
Second World War. 

Chapter 17: All this long time
Why was everyone celebrating in Denmark? What happened to Peter? What did Annemarie learn about Lise?
The war was over and Denmark was a free country again. 
Peter was shot. 
Lise had also been a part of the Resistance.

What does Annemarie wearing Ellen’s necklace show?
Open question - but perhaps something along the lines of Annemarie remembering her friend and waiting for her to come back to Denmark. 

What will the Rosens do now that the war is over?
Open question - but perhaps they will come back to Denmark now that it is a free country again. 

What things are true and what are made up in this story? Make a list of things that are

True: Denmark surrendered to Germany and 
King Christian riding on his horse and greeting the people 
Danish navy sinking their own ships 
Rabbi warning the people in the synagogue 
Jewish people fleeing to Sweden

The characters are made up                

Partly true

A Trip to an English Speaking Country

You are going to go on a virtual trip to an English speaking country of your choice and write about your experience there. Have look at the world map above. The green areas are countries where English is either the official language or considered the de facto language; the language that is used by the majority of the population. These countries and territories are places you can visit. 

So, first of all you are going to choose which country to visit. From Antigua and Barbuda to Zimbabwe: here is a list of the English speaking countries of the world. Will you go to a country that you already know something about and maybe even have visited or will you discover a new place that you are curious about? The choice is yours. 

When you have decided what place to visit, you are going to write a travel blog from your time there. You get to spend two weeks at your destination, and you need to write three or four blog posts. As for financing your trip, you have an unlimited budget. 
When you write your blog, include facts about the place that you are visiting. Your travel blog should include the following information: 

  • Where the country or territory is located
  • Interesting facts about the country such as the capitial, bigger cities, population, currency
  • At least three places that you have visited within the country or territory 
  • Some local food that you have tried 
  • Holidays and traditions and culture that is typical for the country

  • Why one should or should not visit this place 
  • What you think is typical for this country
  • what you learned about the country to what you knew or thought before. 
  • this country or territory to your own country. How is it different? Is it similar in any way?
  • What did it mean to you to travel to this place? 
  • How do you think it is different to be a teenager in this place and in your country? 
You will get to read a diary from South Africa to give you some ideas about how you could strucure this assignment. 
You will work with your travel blog in school during week 19 and on the Monday lesson of week 20.

Write in a Google document and share it with me! Remember to add some nice pictures.

When you have written your travel blog, you are going to make a short presentation about your trip. You can choose between doing this in class on Thursday June 1st, or record yourself on a phone, tablet, computer or another device that you can think of which records people and e-mail to me by this date. More information about this assignment will come. 

The grade criteria that we will work towards are the following: 

Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt på ett relevant och effektivt sätt använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.
Eleven diskuterar utförligt och nyanserat några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, och kan då också göra välutvecklade och nyanserade jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.
I muntliga och skriftliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande.
Eleven formulerar sig även med flyt och viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.
I muntlig och skriftlig interaktion i olika sammanhang kan eleven uttrycka sig tydligt och med flyt samt med viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Wednesday lesson

Two tasks for today's lesson: 
  • Have a look at feedback for your text about your future. If you have not completed this assignment, you need to get it done as soon as possible. 
  • Work to prepare your presentation. By the end of today's lesson, you should let me know what topic you have chosen and if you are going to present to the class or record yourself and send the video clip to me.