You are going to go on a virtual trip to an English speaking country of your choice and write about your experience there. Have look at the world map above. The green areas are countries where English is either the official language or considered the de facto language; the language that is used by the majority of the population. These countries and territories are places you can visit.
So, first of all you are going to choose which country to visit. From Antigua and Barbuda to Zimbabwe: here is a list of the English speaking countries of the world. Will you go to a country that you already know something about and maybe even have visited or will you discover a new place that you are curious about? The choice is yours.
When you have decided what place to visit, you are going to write a travel blog from your time there. You get to spend two weeks at your destination, and you need to write three or four blog posts. As for financing your trip, you have an unlimited budget.
When you write your blog, include facts about the place that you are visiting. Your travel blog should include the following information:
- Where the country or territory is located
- Interesting facts about the country such as the capitial, bigger cities, population, currency
- At least three places that you have visited within the country or territory
- Some local food that you have tried
- Holidays and traditions and culture that is typical for the country
- Why one should or should not visit this place
- What you think is typical for this country
- what you learned about the country to what you knew or thought before.
- this country or territory to your own country. How is it different? Is it similar in any way?
- What did it mean to you to travel to this place?
- How do you think it is different to be a teenager in this place and in your country?
You will get to read a diary from South Africa to give you some ideas about how you could strucure this assignment.
You will work with your travel blog in school during week 19 and on the Monday lesson of week 20.
Write in a Google document and share it with me! Remember to add some nice pictures.
When you have written your travel blog, you are going to make a short presentation about your trip. You can choose between doing this in class on Thursday June 1st, or record yourself on a phone, tablet, computer or another device that you can think of which records people and e-mail to me by this date. More information about this assignment will come.
Write in a Google document and share it with me! Remember to add some nice pictures.
When you have written your travel blog, you are going to make a short presentation about your trip. You can choose between doing this in class on Thursday June 1st, or record yourself on a phone, tablet, computer or another device that you can think of which records people and e-mail to me by this date. More information about this assignment will come.
The grade criteria that we will work towards are the following:
Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt på ett relevant och effektivt sätt använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.
Eleven diskuterar utförligt och nyanserat några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, och kan då också göra välutvecklade och nyanserade jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.
I muntliga och skriftliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande.
Eleven formulerar sig även med flyt och viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.
I muntlig och skriftlig interaktion i olika sammanhang kan eleven uttrycka sig tydligt och med flyt samt med viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.
Eleven diskuterar utförligt och nyanserat några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, och kan då också göra välutvecklade och nyanserade jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.
I muntliga och skriftliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande.
Eleven formulerar sig även med flyt och viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.
I muntlig och skriftlig interaktion i olika sammanhang kan eleven uttrycka sig tydligt och med flyt samt med viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.
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