Tuesday, November 30, 2021


  Work with the following exercises about clothes:





Questions to discuss:

  • Do you think students should wear school uniforms? Why? Why not?
  • Do you like to shop new clothes?
  • Do you think it it important to wear fashionable clothes? Why? Why not?
  • Have you ever made your own clothes? If so, what did you make?
  • In what way do your grandparents dress differently from you?
  • Talk about some of the strangest clothes you have ever seen?

Monday, November 22, 2021

Build your dream house

 During a few weeks you are going to build a house with the help of home.by.me 

want you to build either your own home or your dream house. I want you to at least have these rooms: 
· Kitchen 
· Hall 
· Living room 
· Toilet/Bathroom 
· Bedroom 

Log in with your school’s google account. Start to build! 

Think about: 
· Plan your house – what rooms do you wantexcept the ones that I have written? 
· Learn the words – you can search for furniture in the program. 
· Details – flowerscolourcarscarpets etc. 

Finished building? 
Choose either of these assignments: 
1. Write a text where you explain your house – the rooms, the furnituresome colours etc. 
2. Prepare an oral presentation of your house. Show it and tell us what we get to see. 
Good luck! 

Winner of the October HomeByMe Project of the Month | HomeByMe

Explore Canada, South Africa & Jamaica

 We will explore and learn about the countries together and you will also do your own research about something in South Africa, Canada or Jamaica. What do you want to know more about? Maybe you are curious about their history, the nature and wild life, the school system, sports or their languages?

  • Start with our writing assignment on South Africa, Canada or Jamaica.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_-SOlCGEik watch clip to learn more about South Africa 
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KBBzLmN2ZA&ab_channel=JosephTrimmer watch clip to learn more about Canada
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYE7IsQzKRk&ab_channel=Top10Archive Watch clip to learn more about Jamaica

Write between 250 and 600 words about one of the topics below. Write in a Google doc, Word Online or put pen to paper.  

  • Write a factual text about South Africa, Canada or Jamaica

General information about the chosen country: size, geography, the meaning of the flag, government, currency, languages, religion, cities.
-Name some interesting tourist attractions one can visit and see.

  • Write a travel diary or a travel blog from South Africa, Jamaica or Canada
Write about an imaginary trip that you go on to the country you`ve hosen. Weave in facts about the places that you visit in your text. Include comparisons between life in Sweden and life in chosen country. 

What to aim for: 

Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt på ett relevant och effektivt sätt använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion och interaktion.
I muntliga och skriftliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande. Eleven formulerar sig även med flyt och viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation. För att förtydliga och variera sin kommunikation kan eleven bearbeta och göra välgrundade förbättringar av egna framställningar. 
Eleven diskuterar utförligt och nyanserat några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används och kan då också göra välutvecklade och nyanserade jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Jobs in the future


Your final task of this project with jobs is to make a presentation. You are going to make a presentation about your dream job and what you need to do to become a/an...
Also make a presentation about yourself, in which you introduce yourself, tell people why you are interested in the job and why you think this occupation suits you. . You can make a presentation on one of the jobs that you have read about, or any other profession.

You should include the following information in your presentation: 

  • Introduce yourself briefly. 
For example: Hello! My name is XX and I am going to tell you a little bit about myself and why I would make an excellent job as a/an... 
I am Y years old and I come from Z.  I have lived here all my life/ I am originally from somewhere else and I moved here when I was...  years old. In my spare time, I ... . I am really good at ... 

  • Which job are you telling us about and why? 
For example: I want to become for the president of the United States because I have always been interested in leading a country... 

Not enough options? Check this list here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_professions 

  • Why do you want to become a/an...? 
For example: I think I would make a very good .... because I am good at.. and I am... 
I handle stress really well. I work well alone as well as in groups. I learn fast and always do my best. 

Key phrases to use here: 
I am good at....
I am a good/great/excellent ... 
I do... very well 

I am... 

  • Conclusion 
For example: Well, that's it for me. Thank you for listening and I hope that you have learned something new.  

Keep in mind: 
Make a mindmap or jot down keywords of what you are going to include in your presentation. I do not, I repeat, do NOT want you to read from a script. 

There are two options for presenting:

  • Make a presentation in class. If you want to use Powerpoint or some other tool, that is totally fine. 
  • Make a presentation in small groups of 3-4 students.
Let me know which alternative you choose,  

Good luck!


Bildresultat för occupation