Monday, May 6, 2024


During the last weeks of year nine, you are going to create a yearbook for the class which will hopefully be a nice memory for you to look back into. When you are finished, we will put your texts together in a booklet and everyone will get a copy of it. You can also choose to make a graduation speech for your class. Then the script of your speech will be your yearbook contribution.

We are going to watch and discuss different clips about the future and you will also get to write a letter to your future self if you have time. 

The text you write for the yearbook and your speech will be assessed, the letter will not! Your text should be about a page and must be handed in by Monday, May 27th. 

Here are some tips on what you can include in your contribution to the yearbook:

a.   Your best memories of your school year
b.   A time you laughed, or cried.
c.   A piece of advice to your classmates for the future
d.   Something you hope you never forget about this time in your life
e.   Something you feel proud of having done
f.    Something you would like to do all over again
g.   Write about an imaginary class reunion year 2039
h.   A letter from yourself in the future to your classmates
i.     What you want to do in the future
j.   Your högstadiet survival guide for the future year 7's