Thursday, November 22, 2018

Real Love

Bildresultat för real love

1. Listen and read 

Listen to the text "Real Love" from What's Up 9 and read along with it: 

2. Did you get it? 

How old was Dustin when he met Mandy?
What is in Mandy's own opinion her biggest failing [weakness, problem]?
What was the terrible lie that Mandy told Dustin when she broke up with him?

3. Talk about it

Some people think that teenagers can't be in love or they don't know what real love is. What can you say to prove them wrong?

Do you think that Dustin was the 'right one' for Mandy? Why/why not?

Do you think Mandy did the right thing to dump Dustin? Why/why not?

Why do you think Brie acted the way she did?

What advice would you give to Mandy in this situation?

4. Fill in the gaps and work with words

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Kindness Boomerang

Today, you are going to watch a clip and work with questions to it. 

Kindness Boomerang
·         Think
In your notebook, write down in your own words what you saw in the video clip:  
  1. Give some examples of acts of kindness that you saw in the video.
  2. Can you name some of the characters in the video? Hint: The first one is a skateboarder.
  3. One character appears twice. Which one?
  4. How does each person feel before the act of kindness and then afterward?
5.       What do you think the expression Pay it forward means?

·         Pair/By yourself

  1. What are some random acts of kindness you practice?
  2. Can you remember a time when someone has been really kind to you? What happened? How did you feel?
  3. What are some reasons why people might hesitate to show kindness to others?
  4. Who is the kindest person you know? Explain.
  5. Can showing kindness to others change the world? How?
  6. What are your ideas for making the world a kinder and more loving place? Give examples of what you can do!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Freedom Writers: Discussion

  • Answer question in your notebooks: 
What do you think about the movie? Give reasons for your answer!
  • Finish watching the movie 
  • Discussion 

In groups of 3-4 as you are seated, discuss these (and more) topics on the cards in front of you with your classmates.

Equip yourselves with these discussion words: 

Re-cap: Write a few sentences explaining what the movie is about. Who is the main character? What is she like? How would you describe Woodrow Wilson High School and its students?  

  • What are some ways that Mrs Gruwell tries to make the students interested?
  • Why do the students not respect Mrs Gruwell at first? What do they tell her when she asks about it?
  • How does Mrs Gruwell's husband feel about her teaching job?
  • Why do you think the other teachers are "against" Mrs Gruwell? 

  • Words 
Homework for next thursday: Pick five of the following words, find out what they mean and write sentences with the words. Hand in your notebook to me after said lesson.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thursday, November 8

  1. Introduction: Discuss these questions with your deskmate.

    Do you think that any group is discriminated against in Sweden today? Explain your answer.
    Some referendums in Sweden treated the ban of alcohol (1922), right-hand traffic (1955), and membership in the EU. Do you think there should be a referendum today about anything? If so, what and why?
    What do you know about aboriginals in Australia?
  2. Prepare by going through these words: 
  3. Watch the short film "Vote Yes" 
  4. After watching – talk with a friend

    1. Using only keywords, try to summarize briefly what happened in the film.
    2. If you had to use only one word to tell what the film was about, what word would it be?
    3. What is Elizabeth's job?
    4. What is Susan, the mother, wearing that makes the dad react?
    5. Try to describe what happened in the laundry scene.
    6. Describe Susan's feelings in three different instances of the film.
    7. Describe Howard's feelings in three different instances of the film.
    8. What do you think Howard means when he says: “not in front of the kids”?
    9. Describe Elizabeth’s feelings in three different instances of the film.
    10. What gender roles did you notice in the film?
    11. What class roles did you notice in the film?
If you finish discussing early, work with the blog post called "National test preparation" 

... and towards the end of the lesson, we are going to decide what to do next here:

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Freedom Writers: Lesson 3

1. Answer these questions in your notebook: 

In what way do you think Wilson High School (the school in Freedom Writers) is different from this school?
Are your school and the school from the movie the same in any way?

2. Hand in your notebook along with your homework.

3. Continue watching movie.

4. Kahoot! 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Before watching
Discuss these questions:
1) Have you or anyone you know used a fake ID? What happened?
2) When is it OK or not to lie to a parent or guardian?
3) Could it sometimes be OK for parents or guardians to lie to their children, or never? 

Before we watch the film 
Work with words here:

After watching: Talk in pairs:

1. When reading the name of the film, whom in the movie do you think of?
2. What happened when Norm tried to pay for the movie the first time, going with his wife?
3. Why did the young man get suspicious?
4. Why did Norm not enjoy the movie?
5. How much money did Norm actually earn at the film when using his fake ID?
6. How much is that, more or less, in Swedish crowns?
7. How much did a fake ID cost?
8. How much is that in Swedish crowns?
9. How did the young man know the truth?
10. In the end, do you think it was worth the money?
11. What could be the reason why the fake ID stated: “Alaska”?
12. Norm’s last words are: “Don't tell my wife”.  Do you think he could have or should have said anything else, in order to get into the cinema? If so, what? What would you have answered?

Are there any situations in which you think it should not be necessary with an age limit?