Thursday, February 16, 2023

English 09C: Thursday 11.10-12.10

Good morning!
Here is the plan for today's English class:

1.Listen to the end of chapter 8 from 7.56-11.46
Matilda: Chapter Eight - YouTube

2. Study the vocabulary for chapter 8

3. Matilda workbook chapters 5-8

I will see you soon!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

English 09C: Wednesday 14.10-15.10

Hello 09C!
Last Thursday Hampus took care of your English class. He says you listened to chapter 7 until 12.26 in the video. So today's class starts there.

1.Read and listen to chapter 7 from 12.26-22.40

2. Study the vocabulary from chapter 7. Matilda Chapter 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

I couldn't find any exercises from English to Swedish for that chapter, but the explanations are short and not too complicated so don't worry. You will manage :)

3. Quizlet Live

4. Read and listen to chapter 8

5. Start studying the vocabulary for chapter 8. You will continue tomorrow

See you in a bit!

Friday, February 10, 2023

Matilda: Chapter 10

Work with words here: Matilda - Chapter 10: Throwing the Hammer Flashcards | Quizlet

Read Chapter 10 of Matilda: Throwing the Hammer. You will find it on page 97 in your books.

Then answer this question:

What is the Chokey? Describe it.

Finished? Work with words from chapter 11 here: 

And read the chapter + work with questions.

Ms Trunchbull hammer throw

Thursday, February 9, 2023

English 09C: Thursday 11.10-12.10

Dear 09C!
My daughter has come down with a bad cold, so I am at home taking care of her today.

Yesterday you just had time to listen to the end of chapter 6 before we ended class, so now it is time to study some vocabulary from that chapter.

1. Study vocabulary for 15 minutes:

2. Quizlet Live for 15 minutes

3. Read and listen to chapter 7.
Rob starts reading at 1.06 and stops at 22.40, so it is a long chapter.
Take a break and discuss in the middle if you need to.
Matilda: Chapter Seven - YouTube

4. Start studying the vocabulary from chapter 7 if you have time left. Otherwise you can do that next Wednesday. Matilda Chapter 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

I couldn't find any exercises from English to Swedish for that chapter, but the explanations are short and not too complicated so don't worry. You will manage :)

On Wednesday we will finish chapters 7-8 and next Thursday you will work with chapters 5-8 in the workbook.

All the best!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

English 09C: Wednesday 14.10-15.10

Last Thursday you worked very well with the Matilda workbook. Good job! Today you will listen to chapters Time to continue working with the book Matilda.

1. Read and listen to chapter 5:

2. Study vocabulary: Matilda chapter 5 - Arithmetic Flashcards | Quizlet

3. Quizlet Live

4. Read and listen to chapter 6:

5. Study vocabulary:

6. Quizlet Live again if we have time. Otherwise tomorrow :)

See you soon!

The lovely miss Honey from the movie and the musical

Monday, February 6, 2023

Matilda; chapters 8 & 9

Words from chapter 8;Matilda, chapter 8: The Truchbull Flashcards | Quizlet

Listen to chapter 8: Matilda: Chapter Eight - YouTube

Listen to chapter 9: Matilda: Chapter Nine - YouTube

  • The kids are afraid of “The Trunchbull”, why?
  • Have you met a someone you were afraid of?
  • What can you do if someone decides something and you think it’s wrong?
  • Would you stand up to “The Trunchbull”? Why or why not?

Answer questions in work book:

1. When and why does Miss Honey go to the Wormwood’s house?

2. List three of the names the Wormwoods call Miss Honey:

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Matilda: chapters 6 & 7


  • How does Matilda cope with her awful parents? 
  • Do your parents do awful things too? What would that be?
  • How do you cope with your parents when they are “not so cool”?
  • What makes a good parent?

Today we are also going to get to know Miss Honey (chapter 7, page 62 in your books) 

We will listen to the chapters together and then you will answer these questions in your workbooks:

1. Which words go with which person? (Miss Honey or Miss Trunchbull)

calm, frightening, strong, kind, rude, angry, dangerous, never shouts

(Miss Honey)
3. Write the correct name in the sentences:

A)_________________________________ is the headmistress at Crunchem Hall.

B)_________________________________ is a nice and kind teacher.

C)_________________________________ is a small boy who can spell cat.

D)_________________________________ is a girl from Matilda’s class who says   
                                    she can read whole sentences.

Words from chapter 6: Matilda, chapter 6: The Platinum-Blond Man Flashcards | Quizlet

Words from chapter 7: Matilda, chapter 7: Miss Honey Flashcards | Quizlet

Writing an argumentative text

Last week we read a for and against essay about reality tv-shows and you got to think of a topic for an argumentative text. During today's English lesson you are going to start to write your own texts. 

How to write an argumentative text:
  • Consider both sides of your topic and take a position. An example is to first write down pros and cons about your topic. Then choose which "side" you´re on.
  • Gather evidence providing proof to support your claim. In an arguement essay you will have to provide evidence without providing too much drama. You´ll explore two sides of a topic (briefly) and provide proof as to why one side or position is the best one. 

Introduce your topic and declare your side!

As in any essay, the first paragraph of your arguement essay should contain a brief explanation of your tpoic and some background information.

Present both sides of your topic!
The body of your essay will contain the meat of your arguement. You should go into more detail about the two sides of your topic and state the strongest points of the counter-side of your issue. 

After describing the "other" side, you will present your own viewpoint and then provide evidence to show why your position is the correct one. 

Select your strongest evidence and present your point one by one.

Tips for your essay:
  • Avoid emotional language - I feel, damn you, I think, it was horrible, it was great etc. 
  • Know the difference between a logical conclusion and an emotional point of view - connect your claims with evidence and clear explanations and NOT what you feel or think.
  • Don´t make up evidence.
  • Cite your sources.
  • Be prepared to defend your side by knowing the strongest arguements for the other side. 
          You might be challenged by me or by another student! 

Examples of topics to write about:
  • Death penalty
  • Euthanasia
  • Abortion 
  • Harsher punishment
  • All students should wear uniforms in school. 
  • School must start two hours later, because students are very tired 
  • Parents must limit how much time their children spend on tech devices - two hours per day is enough
  • Mobile phones should be banned during the whole school day 
  • Grades are not necessary - children study anyway
  • Homework should be forbidden 
If you would like to write about something that you can't find on the list - feel free to do so! 

Addition: And, furthermore, what is more, in addition, also, as well as
Reason: For this reason, because of, the main reason why, since, therefore
Order: First, firstly, in the first place, to begin with, second, after that,
Example: For example, for instance, such as
Summary: Finally, in conclusion, to sum up, to conclude

  • Spelling mistakes?
Avoid making these mistakes:
There: där, their: deras, they’re = they are: de är
Much: mycket, many: många
How: hur, Who: vem
No: nej, Know: veta
Want to: vill, will: ska
Where: var (plats), were: var

And mind the spelling of these words: with, because, of course, beautiful, couldn’t, wouldn’t

      Any grammar mistakes?
Det finns: There is (1) There are (2->)
Det fanns: There was (1) There were ( 2->) 

Example of an arguementative text:

Why animal testing is essential
There is a hot debate about whether animal testing should be used or not. As this is a very controversial topic there is a lot of misinformation. Society has painted this image of suffering rodents getting injected with chemicals, which is something far from the truth in the scientific method of using animal testing. I love animals and I see their value in having a good life, but when it comes to finding cures for deadly diseases and animal testing is the only method available now, I think we may use it. In my opinion, this only applies to testing for medical reasons, as I believe that animal testing for cosmetics and skincare products is completely horrible and nothing I stand behind. 

A lot of people believe that animals and humans are equal, I must say that it isn't. We need to ask ourselves the question if one of our loved ones' lives were at risk and animal testing is the only option, would you still oppose it? If we care about the animals so much then there is a bigger problem we should highlight, like the global warming that affects and endangers animal species or the poaching in southern Asia and Africa. These are things that don't do good for any life in the world, unlike animal testing does. 

This method comes with a lot of benefits both to humans and animals, we have also gotten a bigger perspective about our origin and how similar humans and animals are.

Animal tests are used for scientific purposes, mainly in medical research. The goal is to develop new medicines, new treatment methods or to increase our knowledge of how the human body works. When you do an animal experiment, an incredible amount of permission is required and laws must be followed carefully. The tests must also be approved by an animal test ethics committee. All the animals need to be bred for research purposes. Animal tests may also only be used if the research purpose cannot be achieved by other methods. Research is done by “The California Biomedical Research Association”, shows that practically every medical breakthrough in the last century has occurred directly from animal studies. The majority of all antitoxins we get are from animals. If you get bitten by a venomous snake, you will get the medicine that we have obtained by milking the snake. Milking snakes are seen as a form of animal testing, a type that doesn't hurt the animal if it's done correctly.

Another huge discovery made by animal testing was of the saliva of the Gila monster could be produced into medicine for diabetes. The venom from this lizard has since been modified in laboratories and it has since been possible to produce it chemically, which has led to the lizard no longer being needed to produce the substance. A positive effect that this brings is that endangered animals are preserved much more if they are under research because they are of great benefit to us humans.

Another argument as to why animal testings are needed is because it has also helped us to get a better picture of the animal's anatomy and their history. We need them to understand how genetics work and how different species are related to one another. Animal and human biology work in a very similar way, such as breathing, digestion, sight, and reproduction. Systems, such as the nervous system and immune system, follow the same structure and function in all animals. This means that even small animals can be used to study these systems. Our understanding of brain disease comes from research done by animals too small for the human eye to see! Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory has done many discoveries on humans neurological disorders by studying the giant squid.

You may think that we can replace animal experiments with something else and you are right, but not in all cases. Studies from Harvard and AstraZeneca have shown you can replace certain types of animal testing. The reason why you can't do this completely is that there are not enough resources and it is not completely safe yet. Lastly, animals benefit a lot from animal testing. It is not just us humans that are served, but the animals as well. A large part of the research is to make the animals feel better and for us to learn more about their behavior and how to take care of them. The animals also need vaccines and medicines. To develop this the animals may need to be included in drug studies. Research is needed to protect wild, endangered species. In this way, we can gain more knowledge about how animals live and how different environmental factors affect them. 

In summary animal testing is a highly discussed subject with a lot of opinions. It’s a method that helps us to find cures and vaccines for deadly diseases. We have gained a lot of knowledge about our bodies and the history of all life surrounding us. There may be other options but there aren't any safe yet. Lastly, animal testing is something that has affected all our lives whether we know it or not and something that we humans cannot live without.


California Biomedical Research Association (2020). CBRA Fact Sheet: Why Are Animals Necessary in Biomedical Research?. [09-11-2021]

National Geographic (2021). Untangling mysteries of the brain—with the remarkable biology of squid. [11-11-2021] 

Fierce Biotech (2013). Harvard, AstraZeneca partner to replace animal testing with 'organson-chips'. [11-11-2021 

Matilda: Chapters 4 & 5

Work with words from theese chapters: and here

  • Read chapters 4 and 5. 
  • Answer the questions for these chapters in your workbook. 
  • If you have time, answer the extra questions.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

English 09C: Wednesday 14.10-15.10

Time to continue working with the book Matilda.

1. Read and listen to chapter 4:

2. Study vocabulary:

3. Quizlet Live

Tomorrow you will start working with chapters 1-4 in the Matilda workbook.

See you soon!