Monday, January 14, 2019

The Blind Side;

Now that you have watched The Blind Side, I want you to write about the movie. 
Write in a Word document and answer the following questions:
  • Did you like the movie?
  • Why/Why not?
  • Describe your favourite part of the movie.
  • What do you think about the Touhy family?
  • Would you recommend this movie?
Share your text with me, Lavdije.

Bildresultat för the blind side

The Blind Side III

Answer the following questions in your notebook;

  • What is the movie about?
  • What do we know about Big Mike?
Work with words here:

The Blind Side 1

The Blind Side 2
True story: The 2009 film starring Sandra Bullock told the story of how Oher went from being homeless to entering the NFL as a first-round draft pick 

The Blind Side II

Then continue to watch the second part of the movie.
Think about; 
  • What do you think happened with Michaels biological mother?
  • How should schools help students with special needs?

Michael Oher family, Michael Oher parents, Michael Oher mom
Michael Oher and his adoptive parents

The Blind Side I

Today you are going to start to watch a movie called The Blind Side. It is about the story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an all American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family.

Bildresultat för teh blind side

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

A trip to the United States, continued

Top 10 landmarks of the United States
Watch the video and answer these questions:

What is Mount Rushmore?
Where is the Golden Gate Bridge?
In which hand does the Statue of Liberty hold the torch?
For which speech is Martin Luther King famous?
Which of these would you like to visit? Why?
Is there any landmark that you think is missing from the video?

The U.S is the __________ largest country in the world.
Which countries are bigger?
How many states are there?
Which countries border the United States?
Which state is the largest?
Which state is the smallest?

Your task:

You are going to embark on a 30-day trip around the United States. You need to include the things below – somewhere in your story/travel journal.
Write your travel journal in a Google document and feel free to include photos/pictures. Share your text with me as soon as you have started. 

1.    Visit at least three states.
2.    Names and basic information about, at least, two big cities
3.    Three sights/attractions that are well-known
4.    Food that you have tried
5.    Descriptions of scenery and landscape
6.    What the weather has been like
7.   Where are you staying? 
8.  Comparison between what you have learnt about the United States to what you thought or knew before
9. Comparison between the United States and your own country. How is it different? Is it similar in any way? 

START with you arriving at John F Kennedy Airport in New York City. Then, feel free to go in any direction, by any means of transportation and with any budget. It is good if you start off making a mind map and think about what places you would like to visit before you start writing.
Some pages where you can find useful information, Travel guides:

We will work with this task during three lessons. After that, you are going to give and receive peer response on your texts. 

Example of a travel blog:

My travel blog from London

Day one
Since London is one of my favourite cities I wanted to go there this summer to experience it with my best friend Steve. Our journey began by taking the train over the Öresund’s bridge to Copenhagen Airport where we took an afternoon flight to Heathrow. After arriving in London we checked in at ”The Dorchester Hotel” which I can really recommend if you like 5-star hotels.

We went to ”The London Eye” which has become a symbol for London. It is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the banks of the river Thames which was built in 1999.. It’s also called ”The Millennium Wheel” because it was built to celebrate the new millennium. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the UK with 3.5 million visitors each year.

Then we took a refreshing walk to Buckingham Palace to watch the change of the guards. Queen Elisabeth II still lives in the castle with her husband. Buckingham palace has 775 rooms, which includes 78 bathrooms for those who are in need of one and 188 staff rooms for the staff to spend their time after serving the queen and the palace.
While Steve and I were walking towards Oxford Street to do some shopping I suddenly got a text from David Cameron saying that I should come to 10 Downing Street at once. Since I didn’t want to disobey the Prime Minster I left Steve to do some shopping of his own and rushed there.

Lgr 11 Kunskapskrav

Eleven diskuterar utförligt och nyanserat några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, och kan då också göra välutvecklade och nyanserade jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.

I muntliga och skriftliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande.
Eleven formulerar sig även med flyt och viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.

I muntlig och skriftlig interaktion i olika sammanhang kan eleven uttrycka sig tydligt och med flyt samt med viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.