Monday, April 16, 2018

Correcting Sentences

I have read your texts and collected some sentences that can be improved in one way or another. 
In pairs, or in goups of three, go through these sentences and try to correct them. 
Talk to each other and decide how to write the sentence in a better way. 
Explain why you have made the corrections. Take notes. 
For this activity, I want you to put pen to paper. If you just copy and paste these sentences into a document, the computer will mark the errors and you will not learn as much. You are supposed to gain knowledge, not the computer. 

Hur säger man hans och hennes på engelska? Honom och henne?
Vad måste man tänka på
Hur fungerar do och does i engelska?
Hur skriver du verb i dåtid? Regelbundna och oregelbundna..

For three weeks ago I buyed a car from Wormwood’s motors and I have to say that I’m really dissapointed about it.
But the parents don’t care of she.
i saw the other classmates was there and then after a few minutes our teacher camed in.
They don’t was a good parents.
She were very good on math to.
Her parents want her to be a girl that don’t care about read books and go to school.
They only look att the tv and eat candy.
They calling her for a cheater when she answer a question and it is right.
He buys cheap cars that barely doesn’t works and then puts sawdust in the engine.
Matilda is a eight year old girl and she have long dark brown hair.
She are the best in the school, she can everything.
Starting to getting intresting now right?

Matildas parent come by to say hello and tacke Matilda in the car because the was going to move to Spain.