Tuesday, April 24, 2018

10 second challenge

- Count 1-10 in another language than English or Swedish.
- Name two search engines.
- Name six singers.
- What is 19 + 19?
- Name two Pokémon.
- Describe your favorite food without saying what the name is.
- Sing a rock song.
- Imitate a hamster.
- Name five countries in Europe.
- Do a Michael Jackson impersonation.
- Name three YouTubers.
- Invent a new word and define it.
- Name three types of fish.
- Repeat “She sells sea shells on the sea shore" with no mistakes.
- Spell your name backwards.
- Name four planets.
- Name three presidents of the U.S.A.
- Name four Spanish names.
- Name three fruits starting with B.
- Name two different chess pieces.
- Name five cities in Europe.

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