Monday, August 19, 2024

Crime and punishment, part 1

Warm-up: Work with words Warm-up: Work with words 

Watch: Shaka's Ted Talk.

Write down your answers to these questions in your notebook.
  • Are there problems with crime where you live? Does your hometown feel like a safe place? 
  • Have you ever been the victim of a crime or do you know someone who has been the victim of a crime? If so, what happened? 
  • What do you think are the reasons why people commit crimes? What were the reasons why Shaka Senghor committed his crime? 
  • How do you think that prisoners should spend their time in prison? What activities do you think may help them come back to a non-criminal life after having served their sentences? 
Discuss the questions with your deskmate.

Share your ideas with the class.Watch: Shaka's Ted Talk.

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