Monday, August 19, 2024

A Letter To Your Teacher

Dear students, 

For the first weeks of English in grade seven you are going to write a letter to me, your teacher. You will get a letter from me and your task is to respond to it.  
You are going write a first draft to me and I will comment on it. 
After that you will get a chance to make some improvements before you hand in your final version. 

Before you start writing we need to take look at some useful phrases.

Always start your letter with:
Dear XX, 
and then use some of the phrases below:

Starting your letter (Paragraph 1)
Thanks for your letter.
Lovely to hear from you.
How are you?
How are things?
Hope you're well.

Commenting on something (Paragraph 1)
I'm so pleased to hear ...
It's great to hear ...
What wonderful news about ...

Moving the topic on (Paragraph 2)
Now I am going to tell you a little bit about myself...

Ending your letter (Paragraph 3)
Well, that's all for now
Write back soon
Looking forward to hearing from you again

All the best,
Best wishes,
See you soon,
Take care
Lots of love,
Best regards,

You don't use all the phrases in the same letter. Choose those that suit your letter the best.

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