Thursday, April 20, 2017

Friday, April 21st

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Last lesson for this first week after Easter break. Here's the plan for today:

  • Finish Grammar grill from Tuesday 
  • Revise your texts about "Me in the Future" .Look at the checklist below and make sure you have followed the steps. Also look at the comments I have given you. If there is anything you want to change in your text, do that. 
  • Do a Socrative quiz about The Curious Incident  (Write room name SVJ)
  • If you are finished... 
  • Work with words on Quizlet or.. 
  • Do something out of the the English challenge that you can do in a classroom and in less than an hour. 

Checklista för respons och bearbetning:   
      Har du/skribenten:

ð       läst igenom texten högt för att lyssna på textens flyt, form och ev stavning?
ð       använt synonymer?
ð       fasta uttryck?
ð       förklarat och beskrivit med adjektiv/verb?
ð       utvecklat ditt resonemang med exempel och jämförelser?
ð       böjt verben rätt?
ð       använt pronomen rätt?
ð       använt idiomatiska uttryck?
ð       rätt preposition?
ð       en tydlig struktur med en början, en mitt och ett slut?
ð       styckeindelat?
ð       använt rätt bindeord?
ð       använt sambandsord?

You should use periods, commas and paragraphing. If you find it hard to know when to use this, read the text out loud to yourself. It usually turns out pretty well if you put commas in the places where you make a short pause and a period where you make a longer pause. Commas are also used when you list things. Start a new paragraph when you start with something “new.” Do not start every sentence on a new row!

ð       punkt och stor bokstav?

Remember that the same writing rules apply for English as for Swedish, that is you start your sentences with a capital letter. I (as in myself) is always capital when you write in English, even when it is in the middle of a sentence. Names of people (both first and last name), places, animals, countries, cities, companies, months, weekdays, etc. should also be with a capital letter.
ð       kontrollerat stavning och grammatik?

Spelling in English is actually quite hard. However, we have fantastic help from our computers! If a word is marked with a red line it is almost always misspelled. If you click on it with two fingers the computer will give you one or more suggestions of how to spell the word. In my experience, it is usually right (computers are smart).
ð       besvarat alla frågor?
ð       en fungerande inledning och avslutning?
ð       rätt stilnivå (formell/informell)?
ð       inte använt slang?

ð       inte använt svengelska uttryck?
ð       förklarat svenska begrepp och företeelser?

      7.) Bearbeta eventuella punkter utan kryss ovan.

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