Monday, August 21, 2023

Number the Stars: Chapter 1

We are going to read the book Number the Stars by Lois Lowry over the next few weeks. We will read and listen to the book in school and work with questions in which you show your understanding of the content.

Why are we doing this?
We are going to read an authentic book so that you can practice your ability to read and understand texts in English, write and speak in English and to use strategies for understanding and making yourself understood.

How are we doing this?
We will read the book Number the Stars by in school and we will also listen to parts of the book. We will work with words from the different chapters which will help you extend your vocabulary. You are also going to answer questions after each chapter in your notebook.

Work with words from the first chapter here:

Questions to answer in notebook

Chapter 1: Why are you running?

1. Why were Annemarie, Ellen, and Kirsti stopped by the soldiers? 
2. What advice did Mrs. Rosen give the girls about behaving outside? 
3. How did Annemarie show her dislike of the German soldiers occupying her country?
4. Why isn’t Kirsti afraid of the soldiers?
5. Why do you think the “Free Danes” newspaper was important in Denmark during the war years?

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