1. Listen and read
Listen to the text "Real Love" from What's Up 9 and read along with it: http://ovningsmastaren.se/ovningsmastaren/index.php/exercise/ljudmastaren/39492. Did you get it?
How old was Dustin when he met Mandy?What is in Mandy's own opinion her biggest failing [weakness, problem]?
What was the terrible lie that Mandy told Dustin when she broke up with him?
3. Talk about it
Some people think that teenagers can't be in love or they don't know what real love is. What can you say to prove them wrong?Do you think that Dustin was the 'right one' for Mandy? Why/why not?
Do you think Mandy did the right thing to dump Dustin? Why/why not?
Why do you think Brie acted the way she did?
What advice would you give to Mandy in this situation?
4. Words
Study words on Quizlet!
And here.
5. Fill in the gaps
Fill in the missing words from the text here: http://ovningsmastaren.se/ovningsmastaren/index.php/exercise/skrivtext/5324
6. Find out the answers to these questions
- What is a Dear John letter?- Why is the name John used in the expression?
- When do you use the expression John Doe?
7. Write your own Dear John or Dear Jane letter!
A Dear John letter is an expression for a special type of letter written by someone to their husband and boyfriend saying that all is over between them and that their relationship has to end, usually because the person who is writing the letter has met someone else.We don't know the exact origins of the phrase, but we believe that the phrase was invented by Americans during World War II. At this time thousands of American troops were stationed overseas for long periods. Sometimes the partners back in the US decided to begin a relationship with another man - and the only way they could communicate the unhappy news was by letter - A Dear John letter.
But why Dear John? Well, the name John was - and still is - a very common name and it is also the name used in many other terms to refer to a man when you don't want to be too personal.
In the United States the name John Doe is used for a person whose true identity is intended to be anonymous. Male corpses whose identity is unknown are also known by the name of John Doe.
And what if the letter is for a woman? And what if the unknown person is a woman? Then it's Dear Jane and Joan Doe.
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