Thursday, March 21, 2019

Holes,chapters 44-46

Chapter 44 
After dark, Stanley digs in the hole and Zero sneaks into camp to get water and food. Zero finds frosted flakes, which he and Stanley both find revoltingly sweet after more than a week of eating only onions. Stanley and Zero finally dig up a suitcase and just as they are preparing to leave a light shines in their faces and they find the Warden standing in front of them.

Chapter 45
The Warden shines a flashlight on Zero, who is holding the suitcase until she sees that there is a deadly yellow-spotted lizard on the suitcase. Stanley realizes he is standing in a lizard's nest. The Warden, along with Mr. Pendanski and Mr. Sir, wait for the lizards to leave. The Warden talks about how she grew up digging holes with her parents, looking for the suitcase. Mr. Sir makes reference to a woman asking questions and the A.G.

Chapter 46
While Stanley and Zero try to stay still, the Warden, Mr. Pendanski, and Mr. Sir discuss what to tell "the woman" and "the A.G.". Mr. Pendanski cruelly laughs that there will be plenty of graves to bury Stanley and Zero in after they die. The Warden says she will tell "the woman" that Stanley was delirious and ran away and the lizard bit him. Mr. Sir tells Stanley that Stanley's lawyer had shown up the day before to say that Stanley is innocent of stealing the shoes.

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