Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Inventions: Smart phones and social media

Today we are going to watch clips and talk about two inventions in particular, which are smartphones and social media.

  • Are we living in a world forever transformed by smartphones? 

Some questions to discuss after you have seen this clip: 
  • How do you start your day? 
  • How do you communicate with friends and family? In what way do think this is this different from the means of communication 15 years ago?
  • How many per cent of their day do you think people spend on their on cellphones? Do you think it is like this in all over the world? 
  • What are some positive outcomes of smartphones?

Your guide to finishing the reading responses for Holes

In this blog post I will guide you through the different reading responses.

  • If there is an answer missing on reading response two, you have probably asked a question before, that you are able to answer by now. 
  • If there is an answer missing on reading reponse five, you need to write Stanley's diary from his first full day at Camp Green Lake. Stanley's fakebook wall might help you with this: 
  • If there is an answer missing on reading response six, you need to answer the comprehension questions for chapters 10 and 11. The summary below might help you with that: 
When Stanley wakes up on the second day at camp, every muscle in his body aches and he could hardly lift his spoon at breakfast.
Stanley's second hole is also very hard to dig. While he is digging he finds the fossil of a fish. He has been told by Mr. Pendanski that if he finds anything interesting he might get a day off from digging holes.
When the water truck comes Stanley notices that there is always an order to the line, with X-Ray first and then Armpit, Squid, Zigzag, Magnet, Zero, and lastly Stanley.
Stanley shows the fish fossil to Mr. Pendanski but Mr. Pendanski laughs and says that the fossil is not what the Warden wants. Stanley has to finish digging his hole.

X-Ray asks Stanley to give him anything else interesting that he might find. X- Ray sees very badly and will never be able to find anything that might be in the holes. X-Ray says that since he has been at the camp for a year and Stanley has only been there a month, it is more important for X-Ray to get the day off. Stanley agrees because he wants X-Ray to like him.
Stanley wonders why everyone follows what X-Ray does. He realizes that X-Ray is the smallest boy apart from Zero and that he, Stanley, is actually the largest boy.
When Stanley continues to dig his hole he imagines a confrontation between the guy whol bullied him at school, Derrick Dunne and the boys here. He enjoys thinking of Derrick Dunne, who has so often tormented Stanley, being beaten up by the boys from the camp. Thinking of this makes it easier to dig. 

  • If there is an answer missing on reading response eight, you need to answer questions about the story until chapter 28 of the novel. The summary below might help you with that: 

The story goes back to Green Lake as it was one hundred and ten years ago. Sam the onion man sells onions and remedies made from onions to the town. He has a donkey named Mary Lou who pulls his cart of onions. Sam rows his boat across the lake to get to his secret onion field where the water runs uphill. He claims that onions are very important to a person's health and while the towns-people go to the doctor for medicine, they also buy onion remedies from Sam. 

Miss Katherine Barlow was the teacher of the one room schoolhouse and she made wonderful spiced peaches that were preserved to last a year or longer. Charles Walker, or Trout Walker as he was called because of his horrible foot odor, came to classes that Miss Katherine taught. But Trout did not come to learn. He was from the richest family in town and he wanted to marry Miss Katherine. One day he asked Miss Katherine to go on a ride with him in his new motorized boat. Trout is used to getting his own way so he is shocked and angry when Miss Katherine refuses to go with him.

One day Miss Katherine asks Sam to fix the hole in the schoolhouse roof in exchange for some of her spiced peaches. Sam fixes the roof and he and Miss Katherine enjoy their conversations about poetry and other things. Sam cannot attend school because he is black. Miss Katherine continues to find things for Sam to fix because she likes their conversations. When the schoolhouse has nothing left to fix she tells Sam her heart is broken and he kisses her. One townsperson, Hattie Parker, sees them and points at them, whispering, " God will punish you."

The news spreads that Miss Katherine and Sam have kissed. At this time it is against the law for a black man to kiss a white woman and the angry town comes to the schoolhouse to attack Miss Katherine and her books. She runs to the sheriff for help and finds that he is drunk and preparing to hang Sam. When she asks the sheriff to help her he says, "Kiss me…You kissed the onion picker. Why won't you kiss me?" 
Miss Katherine runs to find Sam and they climb into his boat. Sam is sad to leave Mary Lou behind but Katherine tells him they must hurry. Even if Sam is strong, he cannot row faster than Trout Walker's motorized boat. Walker crashes into Sam's boat and Sam is shot and killed. Katherine is brought back to shore where she finds Mary Lou has been shot. After that day, not one drop of rain has ever fallen on Green Lake. 

 "You make the decision: Whom did God punish?" 

Three days after Sam's death Katherine Barlow kills the Sheriff and then applies lipstick before kissing his dead face. Then Katherine Barlow spends twenty years as a dangerous outlaw in the West, known as Kissin' Kate Barlow.

  • If there is an answer missing on reading response ten, you need to answer questions about chapter 30 in the book. The summary below might help you with that: 

When Stanley spends another day digging holes, he thinks about God's thumb and wonders if Kate Barlow lived in this area and if it was actually her gold lipstick tube that he found. 
When Mr. Pendanski delivers their bag lunches the other boys taunt Stanley about having Zero dig Stanley's hole for him. 
Zigzag pushes Stanley, who doesn't want to fight. 
Mr. Pendanski comes over and tells Stanley to fight back. Stanley softly hits Zigzag who in return beats Stanley over and over again and jumps on top of him. 
Zero then  comes to Stanley's rescue and attacks Zigzag and almost kills him until Armpit breaks them up. 
Mr. Pendanski fires his pistol into the air and the Warden arrives. The boys tell the Warden that Zero has been digging some of Stanley's hole. 
Stanley explains that he's teaching Zero to read and Mr. Pendanski says, " You might as well try to teach this shovel to read! It's got more brains than Zero." 
The Warden tries to humiliate Zero by spelling some words for him and asks him to pronounce them. When Zero pronounces h-a-t as chat everyone laughs at him. 
The Warden forbids Stanley to teach Zero to read and Mr. Pendanski taunts Zero about how stupid he is. 
Zero says that he will not dig any more holes and when Mr. Pendanski tells him that digging holes is all he'll ever be good for, Zero smashes his shovel across Mr. Pendanski's face and runs away. 
The Warden tells the other counselors not to bother about Zero because he'll have to return for water. Then she says that the remaining six boys must still dig seven holes.

  • If there is an answer missing on reading response eleven, you are going to write Stanley's diary. Look at the summary of chapters 31-33 for help: 

Stanley is angry with everyone, and also himself. He regrets having Zero dig his hole for him. He thinks of how he can help Zero but can not think of any ways to help that won't get him punished by the Warden. 
He hopes that Zero will travel to the mountain that looks like a thumb. 
Mr. Pendanski and the Warden ask Stanley if he knows where Zero is and then they discuss how they will change Zero's records so that no one will ever find him. Mr. Peandanski and the Warden say that they do not want anyone in the A.G.'s office to know about Zero. In the end they decide that no one will care about Zero.

A new boy, who was arrested for stealing cars, takes over Zero's cot. His name is Brian but X-Ray names him Twitch because he fidgets. Stanley continues to worry about Zero and when Mr. Sir drives in the truck to give them water, Stanley all of a sudden decides to steal it. He doesn't know how to drive but Twitch yells a few directions at him and Stanley races away. Soon Stanley drives the truck into a hole. He gets out and runs away.

No one follows Stanley when he runs away from the truck. He finds many holes as he walks, and a family of yellow-spotted lizards in one of them. He runs away from the lizards and later finds one sunflower seed in a burlap bag.

Holes, chapters 47-50

We (just about) did it! Time for the last chapters of Holes and for the last reading response!

Words for chapter 47

Text + sound: (from 05:07) 

(7 minutes and 25 seconds in total) 

Words for chapter 48 

Text + sound: 

(6 minutes and 47 seconds)

Words from chapters 49 and 50: 

Text + sound: 

(10 minutes and 25 seconds in total)

When we are finished listening to the story, we are going to draw the last reading response, which is a map of Camp Green Lake and its surroundings. Look at the picture below for help.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Holes,chapters 44-46

Chapter 44 
After dark, Stanley digs in the hole and Zero sneaks into camp to get water and food. Zero finds frosted flakes, which he and Stanley both find revoltingly sweet after more than a week of eating only onions. Stanley and Zero finally dig up a suitcase and just as they are preparing to leave a light shines in their faces and they find the Warden standing in front of them.

Chapter 45
The Warden shines a flashlight on Zero, who is holding the suitcase until she sees that there is a deadly yellow-spotted lizard on the suitcase. Stanley realizes he is standing in a lizard's nest. The Warden, along with Mr. Pendanski and Mr. Sir, wait for the lizards to leave. The Warden talks about how she grew up digging holes with her parents, looking for the suitcase. Mr. Sir makes reference to a woman asking questions and the A.G.

Chapter 46
While Stanley and Zero try to stay still, the Warden, Mr. Pendanski, and Mr. Sir discuss what to tell "the woman" and "the A.G.". Mr. Pendanski cruelly laughs that there will be plenty of graves to bury Stanley and Zero in after they die. The Warden says she will tell "the woman" that Stanley was delirious and ran away and the lizard bit him. Mr. Sir tells Stanley that Stanley's lawyer had shown up the day before to say that Stanley is innocent of stealing the shoes.

National Test: Writing

1) First, let us have a look at the criteria for assessment, in this presentation: 

2) Then, we are going to read four texts that were written by other students. Keeping in mind what you learned about grading, what would you say about the texts? Give each text one of the following grades: E, C or A.

3) After that,  discuss with a partner and comment on how varied, clear, coherent, fluent and adapted to the purpose the text is, as well as which strategies the writer is using.

4) After you have shared your theories, we are going to have a look at "the key".

Monday, March 18, 2019

Kindness Boomerang

Today, you are going to watch a clip and work with questions to it. You can either write in your notebook or answer on Google forms

Kindness Boomerang
·         Think
In your notebook, write down in your own words what you saw in the video clip:  
  1. Give some examples of acts of kindness that you saw in the video.
  2. Can you name some of the characters in the video? Hint: The first one is a skateboarder.
  3. One character appears twice. Which one?
  4. How does each person feel before the act of kindness and then afterward?
5.       What do you think the expression Pay it forward means?

·         Pair
With a friend, share what you have written and discuss the following questions. Take notes of your discussion.  
  1. What are some random acts of kindness you practice?
  2. Can you remember a time when someone has been really kind to you? What happened? How did you feel?
  3. What are some reasons why people might hesitate to show kindness to others?
  4. Who is the kindest person you know? Explain.
  5. Can showing kindness to others change the world? How?
  6. What are your ideas for making the world a kinder and more loving place? Give examples of what you can do!

·         Share

Share your ideas with the rest of the class 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Holes, chapters 35-39

Read about Stanley's continued adventure - and make your own label for Sploosh! 

Words from chapters 35-38 can be found here:

Text and sound can be found here: 

If you are not done with Stanley's diary... Your mission for today's lesson is to finish it. 

The next two lessons will be about catching up. We will go through chapters 39-43 tomorrow and chapters 44-47 on Wednesday. 
There will not be any new reading responses for you to do, but you will be able to use your time during the lessons to finish what you are not done with. 

Holes, chapters 31-34

Hey, come back here!

In this section, we will practice our ability to read and understand a text in English. We will also practice our ability to write and retell what we have read. We will do this by reading and listening to chapters 31 to 34 in Holes. You will retell what you have read when you do Reading response 11, which is about writing Stanley's diary.

  • First we will go through the words and listen to the above mentioned chapters: 

Chapters 31-32 

Text + sound (from 05:51) 

Chapter 33

Text + sound (until 02:53)

Chapter 34
Text + sound (from 02:53)
  • Then you are going to do reading response 11. Down below is an introduction to it. 

When Zero runs away, Stanley is left alone and another boy, Twitch, arrives in Zero’s place. Finally, Stanley decides to leave too.

Imagine that you are Stanley. Write a diary entry in which you are completely truthful about what has happened at camp and why you decided to run away.
Think especially about how Stanley would feel about the Warden’s attitude to Zero’s disappearance. - Her solution is to destroy all Zero's records! Remember to mention any fears he might have as well. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Holes: Chapters 29-30

We keep practicing on our reading and listening skills in English by reading chapters 29 and 30 in Holes. 
After reading said chapters, we are going to fill in information about Zero, Zig-Zag and X-Ray in Reading response 9

Which information belongs to which character? Is there any more information you can add to either of the characters? 

the group's leader 
cannot see well
Real name is Rex

good digger 

cannot read or write 
very quiet person
Real name is Hector

has frizzy hair 

celebrates his birthday at Camp Green Lake
Real name is Ricky

Then you are going to fill in Reading response 10, which asks the following questions: 

1.How does the argument start between Stanley and Zigzag?
2.Why does Mr Pendanski encourage the fight?
3.How can you tell that Zero and Stanley have developed a bond?
4.How does the Warden try to humiliate Zero?
5.Why do you think Zero runs away?

6.Why do none of the adults try to stop Zero from escaping?

Chapter 29 
Text + sound: (from 05:00)

The weather gets hotter at Camp Green Lake. One day Stanley sees that the sky is dark near the mountains in the west. There is thunder and lightning but no rain. During a flash of lightning Stanley thinks one of the mountains looks like a giant fist with a thumb sticking up. He thinks of how his stranded great- grandfather said he had found refuge on God's thumb.

Chapter 30
Text + sound: (until 05:50) 

While Stanley spends another day digging holes, he thinks about God's thumb and wonders if Kate Barlow lived in this area and if it was actually her gold lipstick tube that he found. 
When Mr. Pendanski delivers their bag lunches the other boys taunt Stanley about having Zero dig Stanley's hole for him. Zigzag pushes Stanley, who doesn't want to fight. Mr. Pendanski comes over and tells Stanley to fight back. Stanley softly hits Zigzag who in return pummels Stanley and jumps on top of him. Zero attacks Zigzag and almost kills him until Armpit breaks them up. Mr. Pendanski fires his pistol into the air and the Warden arrives. 
The boys tell the Warden that Zero has been digging some of Stanley's hole. Stanley explains that he's teaching Zero to read and Mr. Pendanski says, " You might as well try to teach this shovel to read! It's got more brains than Zero." The Warden spells some words for Zero and when he pronounces h-a-t as chat everyone laughs at him. The Warden forbids Stanley to teach Zero to read and Mr. Pendanski taunts Zero about how stupid he is. 
Zero says that he will not dig any more holes and when Mr. Pendanski tells him that digging holes is all he'll ever be good for, Zero smashes his shovel across Mr. Pendanski's face and runs away. The Warden tells the other counselors not to bother about Zero because he'll have to return for water. Then she says that the remaining six boys must still dig seven holes.