Monday, December 16, 2024

Matilda: Chapters 2 & 3

  • Work with questions in your workbook. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Matilda: Chapter 1


Work with these words here on Quizlet:

When you know the words... Pick five of them to write into sentences in a document.

Discuss these questions with your deskmate:

  • How old were you when you learned to read?
  • What was the first book that you read?
  • Do you remember your first day at school? What happened and how did you feel?
  • Do you  think reading books is important? Why or why not?

Do you agree or disagree with the statements below? Why? Explain and give examples!
  • I prefer reading books to watching TV.
  • Parents should set a limit to how much TV children watch.

Listen to the text here: MATILDA - Chapter 1 - YouTube

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


 Work with words about Christmas here: CHRISTMAS (ord-bild) Flashcards | Quizlet

Work with thisChristmas | LearnEnglish Teens (

Play games and work with different exercises here:

Play a memory game;

We are going to watch different clips on Youtube about how Christmas is celebrated around the world and have group discussions. 

Bildresultat för christmas

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


Work with words about Christmas here: CHRISTMAS (ord-bild) Flashcards | Quizlet

Work with thisChristmas | LearnEnglish Teens (

Play games and work with different exercises here:

Play a memory game;

We are going to watch different clips on Youtube about how Christmas is celebrated around the world and have group discussions. 

Bildresultat för christmas

Monday, November 25, 2024

Explore South Africa, Canada & Jamaica

We will explore and learn about the countries together and you will also do your own research about something in South Africa, Canada or Jamaica. What do you want to know more about? Maybe you are curious about their history, the nature and wild life, the school system, sports or their languages?

Start with watching short clips about each country!

Write between 300 and 600 words about one of the topics below. Write in a Word document or put pen to paper. I want you to use reliable sources and you must indicate which ones you used.  

Write a factual text about South Africa, Canada or Jamaica. 
  • General information about the chosen country: size, geography, the meaning of the flag, government, currency, languages, religion, cities, history, wild life, the school system etc.
  • Name some interesting tourist attractions one can visit and see. 
  • Include comparisons between life in Sweden and life in chosen country.                                                                                                                                                                                 
Write a travel diary or a travel blog from South Africa, Canada or Jamaica
  • Write about an imaginary trip that you go on to the country you`ve chosen. Weave in facts about the places that you visit in your text. Include comparisons between life in Sweden and life in chosen country. 

Number the Stars: Chapter 1

We are going to read the book Number the Stars by Lois Lowry over the next few weeks. We will read and listen to the book in school and work with questions in which you show your understanding of the content.

Why are we doing this?
We are going to read an authentic book so that you can practice your ability to read and understand texts in English, write and speak in English and to use strategies for understanding and making yourself understood.

How are we doing this?
We will read the book Number the Stars by in school and we will also listen to parts of the book. We will work with words from the different chapters which will help you extend your vocabulary. You are also going to answer questions after each chapter in your notebook.

Work with words from the first chapter here:

Listen (chapter 1, start 1.30min): Number the Stars - Chapter 1 - YouTube
Questions to answer in notebook

Chapter 1: Why are you running?

1. Why were Annemarie, Ellen, and Kirsti stopped by the soldiers? 
2. What advice did Mrs. Rosen give the girls about behaving outside? 
3. How did Annemarie show her dislike of the German soldiers occupying her country?
4. Why isn’t Kirsti afraid of the soldiers?
5. Why do you think the “Free Danes” newspaper was important in Denmark during the war years?

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

School at sea

We are going to read and listen to a text about a boy named Luke. Luke and his parents lived on a yacht for 302 days. His school days continued just as usual but from the yacht and not from the classroom. 

Read/listen to the text here: Sanoma Utbildning : Övningsmästaren

Work with words here: Sanoma Utbildning : Övningsmästaren

Done practicing the words? Work with your booklet that has been handed out to you. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Bend it like Beckham: Writing assignment

Jesminder (Jess) is an 18 year old British Indian girl from a family with traditional ideas. Jess loves football and her favorite football star, David Beckham. But her parents are unhappy that their daughter runs around in shorts chasing a ball. They want her to study to become a lawyer, learn to cook Indian food and marry a nice Indian boy. Will Jess follow her dream of becoming a professional footballer? 

Words from the movie: 

Writing assignment after watching the movie: 

Now that you have seen the movie Bend it like Beckham, you are going to write a text about it. Down below you have topics to choose from. You are free to choose which one you would like to write about, but you need to write at least 250 words.

1)   A movie review: Give a short summary of the movie and write about your opinion of it. 
  You can practice writing a movie review and see the structure of it here:

2)  A journal entry: Write about the day in the life of one of the characters in the movie.

Dear diary,
Today I… 

3) Describe an event: Choose one of the things that happened in the movie and describe it as well as you can.  

One of the events that I remember from the movie…


Wednesday, October 23, 2024



Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Work with words from the movie here: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Flashcards | Quizlet

Now that we have seen the movie Charlie and the chocolate factory, you are going to write a text about it. Down below you have topics to choose from. You are free to choose which one you would like to write about. Write as much as you can.  


1)   A movie review: Give a short summary of the movie and write about your opinion of it.  

 You can practice writing a movie review and see the structure of it here:  


2) Write what would have happened if Willy Wonka gave his factory to August, Veruca, Violet or Mike? What changes would they make? Choose one of theese characters and write a different ending of the movie, explaining what they did to the factory. 


3)  Choose one or two characters and describe them very well. 

Good luck 🙂 


Monday, October 7, 2024

The British Isles; Wales and Northern Ireland

 Read this text about Wales :

Do the preparation activity by clicking on the purple bar above the text, where it says
> Preparation .

Then read the text. Look up any words you do not understand on  After you have read the text about Wales, do the four activities underneath the text.

Read about Northern Ireland on the following link: 

Just like you did with the text about Wales, you are going to do the preparation activity first, then read the text and look up any words that you do not understand, and after that do the three activities that can be found underneath the text.

Friday, October 4, 2024

The British Isles; Wales and Northern Ireland

Read this text about Wales :

Do the preparation activity by clicking on the purple bar above the text, where it says
> Preparation .

Then read the text. Look up any words you do not understand on  After you have read the text about Wales, do the four activities underneath the text.

Read about Northern Ireland on the following link: 

Just like you did with the text about Wales, you are going to do the preparation activity first, then read the text and look up any words that you do not understand, and after that do the three activities
 that can be found underneath the text.