Thursday, September 14, 2023

Freedom Writers: Read Diary entries 9-14

Today you are going to read and listen to diary entries 9-12 and entries 13-14 in the book:

Mr. Prusinowski 8th Grade Reading Group Freedom Writers Diaries 9 - 12 - YouTube

Discuss last weeks questions and prepare for the Freedom Writers test you´ll have next week on Thursday. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Freedom Writers: Read, Part 2

Last week, you discussed racism. Then you read and listened to diary entries 1-3.

Today you are going to read and listen to diary entries 4-7 in the book:
Mr. Prusinowski 8th Grade Freedom Writer's Diary 4 - 8 - YouTube

But first I want you to work with words here:  Freedom Writers Diary p. 1-29 (Part 2) Flashcards | Quizlet

When you´re done reading the diary entries if today´s lesson I want you to discuss the following things:

- how children around the age of 10 are manipulated into becoming gang members,
- that when they are old enough to understand it is hard to get out but it can be done,
- that most gang members have experienced violence and trauma during their childhood,
- that being initiated by being beaten up is very dangerous and could kill a young person,
- that carrying weapons such as guns and knives gives a false feeling of protection,
- that it is always safer not to use weapons or any other kind of violence,
- that if someone starts a fight, the safest choice is always to stay out of it.

If (only if) you have time left, you can work with these words (next week´s diary entries):

Freedom Writers Diary p. 1-29 (Part 3) Flashcards | Quizlet

Crime and punishment: Extra activities

If you are done with your preparation about the writing assignment on Crime and Punishment, here is what you will be doing:

Listen to the dialogue here (use headphones), study the vocab and take the quiz. 

Learn about the language of lying!

Watch the video (use headphones), then do the Think, Dig Deeper and Discuss activities on the right hand side of the page.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Crime and Punishment: Writing Assignment

Choose one of the topics below to write about. For today's and Wednesday´s lesson, you are going to do research and make a plan for what you are going to write. During the lesson on Monday (11/9), you are going to write your text, which should be between 250 and 500 words and hand it in to me. You will be writing on so make sure that you bring a fully charged Chromebook to the Monday lesson.

1) An Argumentative Text Write an argumentative text about why you agree or disagree with the death penalty. Start by telling the reader facts about the death penalty. Then explain the reasons why you are for or against it. Make sure that what you write convinces the reader that you are right.

2) A Diary Entry Imagine you are a prison convict about to spend several years in prison. Write a diary entry on the thoughts and feelings you have about being in prison. What kind of crime have you committed? Try to imagine what it is like to have to be in jail for a long time.

3) An Essay Why do people become criminals? Is it because of unhappy childhood experiences? Are some people just evil? What do you think? Write an essay about why some people commit crimes. Give reasons and examples to show what you believe.

Follow the steps of the writing process. We are going to do the first steps today, and the actual writing during the lesson next Monday.

More linking words to make your text more coherent: Linking words Flashcards | Quizlet

The Writing Process 

Pre-writing: Brainstorm your ideas and organize your topic.
Think about what you want to say. 
Talk about your ideas with a friend to find a main idea. 
Write down your ideas in a mind-map or a list. 

Drafting: Create a rough copy of your writing. 
Write your ideas in order. 
Read your work out loud and note places where you stumble. 

Revising: Improve your writing. 
Try out different beginnings and endings. 
Include more details to describe ideas and develop your text. 

Editing: Proofread your work. 
Make sure you have complete sentences. Check your spelling and punctuation. 
Re-read to make sure each sentence makes sense. 

Publish: Hand in your work!