Thursday, April 27, 2023

English 09C: Thursday 11.10-12.10

Hi there!
As you already know I am correcting national tests today. Hampus is in charge of your English class.

1. What's Up 7 textbook. It is on the teacher's desk in your classroom. (Around 30 min.)

Read texts and answer questions.
- Find the first text you didn't read last semester and answer "Did you get it?"
- Open a new document and share it with me. Write down your answers in that document.

When you are done with one text, find the next text to read. And so on.

2. ReadTheory | ReadTheory (Around 30 min.)
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Do as many exercises as possible. This website will adapt the questions to your level.
- If you get a lot of answers right, the level will get higher.
- If you get a lot of answers wrong, the level will get lower.

All the best,

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

English 09C: Wednesday 14.10-15.10

Hi there!
Good job with the Matilda test last Thursday. I will correct it as soon as I can.

1. Before we move on, I need an evaluation of the Matilda project:

2. You have already practised listening a lot on YouTube during the Matilda project. Now you are going to move on to listening comprehension practice: Listening | LearnEnglish Teens (

Today we will try exercises on different levels, to see which level you are on.
You are supposed to practise on a level that is difficult for you, but not too complicated.

Tomorrow I will correct national tests, so Hampus will be in charge of your English class.
You will then work on reading comprehension instead.

All the best,

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Prepare for the Matilda test

Time to practice for tomorrow's test on the book Matilda. The test is based on the first 29 pages. 

Three different ways you can prepare:

1. Read the first 29 pages again and make sure you understand everything that is going on. If not, ask a classmate or your teacher.

2. Work in the Matilda workbook.

3. Practice vocabulary on quizlet:

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

English 09C: Wednesday 14.10-15.10

Good afternoon!

Time to practice for tomorrow's test on the book Matilda. The test is based on the first 29 pages.

Three different ways you can prepare:

1. Read the first 29 pages again and make sure you understand everything that is going on. If not, ask a classmate or your teacher.

2. Work in the Matilda workbook.

3. Practice vocabulary on quizlet:

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Real love

                                      Bildresultat för real love

1. Listen and read 

Listen to the text "Real Love" from What's Up 9 and read along with it: Sanoma Utbildning : Övningsmästaren (

2. Did you get it? 

How old was Dustin when he met Mandy?
What is in Mandy's own opinion her biggest failing [weakness, problem]?
What was the terrible lie that Mandy told Dustin when she broke up with him?

3. Talk about it

Some people think that teenagers can't be in love or they don't know what real love is. What can you say to prove them wrong?

Do you think that Dustin was the 'right one' for Mandy? Why/why not?

Do you think Mandy did the right thing to dump Dustin? Why/why not?

Why do you think Brie acted the way she did?

What advice would you give to Mandy in this situation?

4. Fill in the gaps and work with words

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

English 09C: Thursday 11.10-12.10

Today you will read the final two chapters of the Matilda book.

1. Read chapters 20-21. Listen as well if you want to:
Matilda: Chapter Twenty and Twenty One - YouTube

2. Learn new vocabulary: Matilda - Chapters 20-21 Flashcards | Quizlet

4. Quizlet Live

Time to get ready for the test!

All the best,

English 09C : Wednesday 14.10-15.10

We have a lot of reading and listening in front of us today. This week, we will finish the book.

1. Read chapter 17. Listen as well if you want to: Matilda: Chapter Seventeen - YouTube

2. Same thing with chapters 18-19. Matilda: Chapter Eighteen and Nineteen - YouTube

3. Learn new vocabulary: Matilda - Chapters 17-19 Flashcards | Quizlet

4. Quizlet Live

See you in 10 minutes!