Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Accident

Today we will work with a text called The Accident.  It is a story about an accident that really happend and changed the lives of those involved.

Work with words from the text here: 
Read/Listen; The Accident in your textbook on page 8.

Work with the following exercises:

Did you get it? 
Fill in the missing words in the sentences. (Textbook, page 10)

Talk about it
We  are going to discuss following questions;
  • Do you think that drinking and driving is very common in Sweden?
  • Some people react very strongly against drunk driving. Why do they?
  • What do you personally think about drinking and driving? Is is very serious, or could you accept it under some circumstances? Or would you perhaps rather go for a zero tolerance?
  • What about other drugs and driving? Is it very common, and how dangerous is it?

Friday, August 23, 2019

National Speaking Test Preparation

Time to prepare for the national speaking tests! 

In this blog post you will find different links where you can practice speaking and get familiar with the structure of the test.

On glosor.eu , if you use the username susles7812 and the password hello you will find a list of old topics of the national tests. These sets of words are called  "National test - Questions and answers" and "National test cards".

In these two sets of words on Quizlet you can practice discussion phrases: https://quizlet.com/239404359/discussion-words-flash-cards/  &

Here you can practice going through an old national speaking test.

1) Read the instructions on the page called "The World Around US" here: https://nafs.gu.se/digitalAssets/1356/1356787_theworldaroundus.pdf  Do "Part One". 

2) Pick a topic among the blue cards here: https://nafs.gu.se/digitalAssets/1356/1356788_bla_kort.pdf. Read the statement aloud. Say if you agree or disagree —explain why and give examples. Ask your friend/s what they think and why. 

3) Pick a topic among the red cards here: https://nafs.gu.se/digitalAssets/1356/1356776_roda_kort.pdf. Read the question aloud. Discuss your own opinions about the question —and also what other opinions there are.

Extra speaking activities:

Explain yourself! https://www.kimstudies.com/explain-yourself.html

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: https://www.kimstudies.com/between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place.html 

Talk about the photo captions! http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/photo-captions