Thursday, December 12, 2019

Matilda chapter 10; Throwing the Hammer

Ms Trunchbull's hammer throw 

Work with words here. 

Read Chapter 10 of Matilda: Throwing the Hammer. You will find it on page 97 in your books.

Then answer this question:

What is the Chokey? Describe it.

Finished? Work with words from chapter 11 here: 

And read the chapter + work with questions.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

  • How does Matilda cope with her awful parents? 
  • What makes a good parent?

Listen to/read chapters  6: The Platinum-Blond Man and chapter 7: Miss Honey

Answer questions in workbook 

1. Which words go with which person? (Miss Honey or Miss Trunchbull)

calm, frightening, strong, kind, rude, angry, dangerous, never shouts

Miss Honey:

Miss Trunchbull:

(The Platinum-Blonde Man)
2. What does Matilda do in revenge against her father?
Bildresultat för matilda parents

Monday, November 25, 2019

Matilda: Chapters 4 & 5

Work with words from theese chapters: and here

  • Read chapters 4 and 5. 
  • Answer the questions for these chapters in your workbook. 
  • If you have time, answer the extra questions.

Bildresultat för matilda roald dahl

Thursday, November 21, 2019

South Africa: Michael and Nandipha

First, some questions and answers about the history of South Africa: 

Then, we are going to watch two clips with two different teenagers living in South Africa, Michael and Nandipha. 

... and after that, you are going to draw a Venn diagram (remember how to do that? If not, check the previous blog post) in which you compare your life with one of the persons. Consider such aspects as how you live, daily routines, and school.


Matilda chapter 2

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Matilda: Chapters 2 & 3

Mr. Wormwood, the great car dealer.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

South Africa: Text

Resultado de imagen de table mountain
Cape Town with Table Mountain in the background 

Resultado de imagen de kruger national park
Kruger National Park 

Resultado de imagen de soweto
Soweto, Johannesburg 

And answer questions about it here:

Then compare South Africa to Sweden: 

Draw a Venn diagram in your notebook to collect your ideas, then answer the question in Classroom. 

Resultado de imagen de venn diagram examples

Monday, November 18, 2019

Matilda, Chapter 1

Bildresultat för matilda book

Work with these words here on Quizlet:

When you know the words... Pick five of them to write into sentences in a document.

Discuss these questions with your deskmate:

  • How old were you when you learned to read?
  • What was the first book that you read?
  • Do you remember your first day at school? What happened and how did you feel?
  • Do you  think reading books is important? Why or why not?

Do you agree or disagree with the statements below? Why? Explain and give examples!
  • I prefer reading books to watching TV.
  • Parents should set a limit to how much TV children watch.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The British Isles: Film and Discussion

Bend it like Beckham: 

Jesminder (Jess) is an 18 year old British Indian girl from a family with traditional ideas. Jess loves football and her favorite football star, David Beckham. But her parents are unhappy that their daughter runs around in shorts chasing a ball. They want her to study to become a lawyer, learn to cook Indian food and marry a nice Indian boy. Will Jess follow her dream of becoming a professional footballer? 

Words from the movie: 

Writing assignment after watching the movie: 

Now that you have seen the movie Bend it like Beckham, you are going to write a text about it. Down below you have topics to choose from. You are free to choose which one you would like to write about, but you need to write at least 250 words.

1)   A movie review: Give a short summary of the movie and write about your opinion of it. 
  You can practice writing a movie review and see the structure of it here:

2)  A journal entry: Write about the day in the life of one of the characters in the movie.

Dear diary,
Today I… 

3) Describe an event: Choose one of the things that happened in the movie and describe it as well as you can.  

One of the events that I remember from the movie… 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Crime and Punishment: Writing Assignment

Choose one of the topics below to write about. For today's lesson, you are going to do research and make a plan for what you are going to write. During the next lesson, you are going to write your text, which should be between 250 and 500 words and hand it in to me. You will be writing on so make sure that you bring a fully charged Chromebook to the Thursday lesson.

1) An Argumentative Text Write an argumentative text about why you agree or disagree with the death penalty. Start by telling the reader facts about the death penalty. Then explain the reasons why you are for or against it. Make sure that what you write convinces the reader that you are right.

2) A Diary Entry Imagine you are a prison convict about to spend several years in prison. Write a diary entry on the thoughts and feelings you have about being in prison. What kind of crime have you committed? Try to imagine what it is like to have to be in jail for a long time.

3) An Essay Why do people become criminals? Is it because of unhappy childhood experiences? Are some people just evil? What do you think? Write an essay about why some people commit crimes. Give reasons and examples to show what you believe.

Follow the steps of the writing process. We are going to do the first steps today, and the actual writing during the next lesson.

More linking words to make your text more coherent:

The Writing Process 

Pre-writing: Brainstorm your ideas and organize your topic.
Think about what you want to say. 
Talk about your ideas with a friend to find a main idea. 
Write down your ideas in a mind-map or a list. 

Drafting: Create a rough copy of your writing. 
Write your ideas in order. 
Read your work out loud and note places where you stumble. 

Revising: Improve your writing. 
Try out different beginnings and endings. 
Include more details to describe ideas and develop your text. 

Editing: Proofread your work. 
Make sure you have complete sentences. Check your spelling and punctuation. 
Re-read to make sure each sentence makes sense. 

Publish: Hand in your work! 

Monday, October 21, 2019

British Isles: Food in Schools

Today we are going to learn about school lunches (also called school dinners!) in the UK. You will learn why it is a hot topic and we will also have a look at a blog that a Scottish girl made about her school lunches.

Here are some words to prepare you for the text:

Here is the text: 

After you have read the text, answer these questions in your notebook. 
  • What is the most surprising thing you learnt about school food in the UK? 
  • In her blog, Martha asked students around the world to send pictures of their school food and describe it. What would you tell her about food in Swedish schools? 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Crime and Punishment: Listening activity

  • Listen to a clip called "The Cause of Crime" (2:50 mins). Then answer these five questions: 
What did they do on the New York Subway? 
What is the Broken Glass Theory
What does Rebecca suggest as a way to decrease crime? 
What did the newspaper say about the kids killing in the school? 
Does Gareth believe the newspapers' reasons? 
  • Discussion 
What do you think are the reasons why people commit crimes? 
Do you think that people who watch a lot of violent films commit more crimes of violence? Why/Why not? 
Do you think there are ways in which some crimes can be prevented? If so, what types of crimes and how? 
  • Written response
Choose one of the questions and write an answer to it. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Crime and Punishment: Shaka Senghor's Ted Talk

Warm-up: Work with words 

Watch: Shaka's Ted Talk.

Write down your answers to these questions in your notebook.
  • Are there problems with crime where you live? Does your hometown feel like a safe place? 
  • Have you ever been the victim of a crime or do you know someone who has been the victim of a crime? If so, what happened? 
  • What do you think are the reasons why people commit crimes? What were the reasons why Shaka Senghor committed his crime? 
  • How do you think that prisoners should spend their time in prison? What activities do you think may help them come back to a non-criminal life after having served their sentences? 
Discuss the questions with your deskmate.

Share your ideas with the class.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Crime and Punishment

1. Which of these crimes is the worst? Why?
2. Do you think six months for smuggling drugs is a long enough sentence? Why? Why not?
3. What sentences do you think the criminal in each crime should get?
4. Are any of these crimes common in your country?
5. Are there any ‘crimes’ which you think shouldn’t be regarded as crimes? What and why?

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Love; Discussion

Discuss these questions in your group. Everyone has to say something on each question. Make sure to help each other participate and help each other with difficult words! Write short notes about what your group discusses on each question/statement!

  • What is romance?
  • How do you know that you love someone?
  • Girls fall in love easier than boys!
  • Boys don`t get hurt as easy as girls. 
  • Describe a perfect first date.
  • It`s important that your parents like your boyfriend/girlfriend. 
  • Appearance is imortant!
  • It`s important that your friends like your girlfriend/boyfriend.
  • It`s easy to fall in love with someone that you have first been friends with.
  • Girls tell their friends more about personal problems.
  • Boys cheat more than girls.
  • Where is the line for cheating?
  • Love is more imortant than money

Bildresultat för discussion about love

Monday, September 30, 2019

The British Isles: England, Scotland and Ireland

  • Prepare

  • Listen 
... to three people talking about their countries and take notes. You find questions to answer on pages 108, 110 and 112 in What's Up 7. 

  • Read
... the texts in the textbook about England, Scotland and Ireland 

  • Answer 
... the questions on Google forms. You get to the questions by going to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The first date

Work with words here:

Then, work with this exercise:

Read text "The First Date" (pages 18-19, Textbook)
Work with "Did you get it" and answer in you yellow notebook.

Bildresultat för love

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Conspiracy Theories: Written Assignment

What do you believe?

You are going to write a short paper on the topic of conspiracy theories. You will focus on what YOU think and believe. Only a small part will be dedicated to explaining the theory.

You will get weeks 38 and 39 to finish your paper. Keep it short but try to include all the questions below in the text.

These questions will help you write the text:
·      Describe the theory – what is it about? Who started it? etc.
·      Do you find anything about the theory that seems plausible*? Explain how you think.
·      What about the theory does not seem plausible? Why?
·      Do you believe the theory? Why or why not?

*plausible = possibly true : believable or realistic

You can use your computer as an information centre. If you have trouble finding anything, do not hesitate to ask for help. Write between 250 and 500 words in a document in Classroom.  

Here is a place where you can start looking for facts: 

To help you along, I will provide you with a number of options that you can choose from – if you have a theory yourself, you can use that. If you would rather come up with your own conspiracy theory to write about, that is okay too. 

Best of luck!

Some ideas: 
·       The JFK Assassination
·       9/11 Cover-Up
·       Area 51 and the Aliens
·       Paul Is Dead
·       Secret Societies Control the WorldIlluminati
·       Jesus and Mary Magdalene
·       Holocaust Revisionism
·       The CIA and AIDS
·       Titanic – lifeboats
·       Big Bang
·      Dori Remembers
·       Michael Jackson
·       Loch Ness Monster
·       Lizards – V
·       Flat earth
·       Hitler’s feelings
·       Ghosts
·       Superpowers
·       Megalodon
·       Moon is made of Cheese
·       Chernobyl monsters


Click and drag the correct expression to the correct contraction!

Conspiracy Theories: Article and Comic Strip

1) Read the article and the comic strip: 

2) Look up 10 words that were new to you - use them in a sentence. Write in your notebook.

3) Write a summary in your notebook about what you have read today.

4) Decide which conspiracy theory you would like to learn more about. Or... decide what "truth" you could turn into a conspiracy theory. Next week, we are going to do a writing assignment on this topic.

Here are some ideas on which conspiracy theories you could find out more about:

·       The JFK Assassination·       9/11 Cover-Up·       Area 51 and the Aliens·       Paul Is Dead·       Secret Societies Control the World·       The Moon Landings Were Faked·       Jesus and Mary Magdalene·       Holocaust Revisionism·       The CIA and AIDS·       The Reptilian Elite