Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Words and phrases

On glosor.eu , if you use the username susles7812 and the password hello you will find a list of old topics of the national tests. These sets of words are called  "National test - Questions and answers" and "National test cards".

In these two sets of words on Quizlet you can practice discussion phrases: https://quizlet.com/239404359/discussion-words-flash-cards/  &

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Fake

Before watching: 
Write an answer to these questions in your notebook.

1) Have you or anyone you know used a fake ID? What happened?
2) When is it OK or not to lie to a parent or guardian? Motivate your answer.
3) Could it sometimes be OK for parents or guardians to lie to their children, or never? Motivate your answers.

During the film: Try to make a word list of words and phrases that are unknown to you.

After watching: First write a couple of keywords to 1-12 silently, and then talk in pairs:

1. When reading the name of the film, whom in the movie do you think of?
2. What happened when Norm tried to pay for the movie the first time, going with his wife?
3. Why did the young man get suspicious?
4. Why did Norm not enjoy the movie?
5. How much money did Norm actually earn at the film when using his fake ID?
6. How much is that, more or less, in Swedish crowns?
7. How much did a fake ID cost?
8. How much is that in Swedish crowns?
9. How did the young man know the truth?
10. In the end, do you think it was worth the money?
11. What could be the reason why the fake ID stated: “Alaska”?
12. Norm’s last words are: “Don't tell my wife”.  Do you think he could have or should have said anything else, in order to get into the cinema? If so, what? What would you have answered?

Are there any situations in which you think it should not be necessary with an age limit?

Monday, October 15, 2018

Was life better in the good old days?

During today's lesson, we are going to discuss whether life was actually better in the good old days, or if life is better in our bright new world.

To start off, have a look at the picture and write down your thoughts about it. Have you ever heard someone older than you say that life was better in the past? Do you agree with them or do you think that life is better now? Why do you think people may say that life was better before?

Write down your answers in your notebook!

Then, we are going to read and listen to a text about the Good Old Days and the Bright New World: http://ovningsmastaren.se/ovningsmastaren/index.php/book/index/53  (Chapter 1B: Life Past and Present)

Refresh your discussion skills in English with these phrases:  https://quizlet.com/239404359/discussion-words-flash-cards/ 
... and these: https://quizlet.com/234736994/discussion-words-ii-flash-cards/ 

In what ways do you think that life was better in the good old days?
In what ways do you think that life is better in our bright new world?

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Watch this video about the power of teamwork. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Dunblane/Sandy Hook

We will learn more about what happend in Dunblane and Sandy Hook. We will watch a short film and have discussions in small groups.

First, you need to work with the following words: 

Bildresultat för sandy hook Bildresultat för dunblane