Work with words about Christmas here:
Work with this;
Play games and work with different exercises here:
Play a memory game;
We are going to watch different clips on Youtube about how Christmas is celebrated around the world and have group discussions.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Thursday, December 13, 2018
A trip to the United States
What do you already know about the United States of America? What do you think of when you hear the name of the country?
What would you like to learn about the United States? Which places would you be interested in visiting if you could go to there?
What would you like to learn about the United States? Which places would you be interested in visiting if you could go to there?
Take this quiz to see how many states you recognize:
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
The Blind Side
Answer the following questions in your notebook;
- What is the movie about?
- What do we know about Big Mike?
Work with words here:
The Blind Side 1
The Blind Side 2
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Crime and Punishment: Extra activities
If you are done with the writing assignment on Crime and Punishment, here is what you will be doing:
Listen to the dialogue here (use headphones), study the vocab and take the quiz.
Learn about the language of lying!
Watch the video (use headphones), then do the Think, Dig Deeper and Discuss activities on the right hand side of the page.
Listen to the dialogue here (use headphones), study the vocab and take the quiz.
Learn about the language of lying!
Watch the video (use headphones), then do the Think, Dig Deeper and Discuss activities on the right hand side of the page.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Real Love
1. Listen and read
Listen to the text "Real Love" from What's Up 9 and read along with it: Did you get it?
How old was Dustin when he met Mandy?What is in Mandy's own opinion her biggest failing [weakness, problem]?
What was the terrible lie that Mandy told Dustin when she broke up with him?
3. Talk about it
Some people think that teenagers can't be in love or they don't know what real love is. What can you say to prove them wrong?Do you think that Dustin was the 'right one' for Mandy? Why/why not?
Do you think Mandy did the right thing to dump Dustin? Why/why not?
Why do you think Brie acted the way she did?
What advice would you give to Mandy in this situation?
4. Fill in the gaps and work with words
- Work with words here:
- Fill in the missing words from the text here:
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Kindness Boomerang
Today, you are going to watch a clip and work with questions to it.
Kindness Boomerang
· Think
In your notebook, write down in your own words what you saw in the video clip:
- Give some examples of acts of kindness that you saw in the video.
- Can you name some of the characters in the video? Hint: The first one is a skateboarder.
- One character appears twice. Which one?
- How does each person feel before the act of kindness and then afterward?
5. What do you think the expression Pay it forward means?
· Pair/By yourself
- What are some random acts of kindness you practice?
- Can you remember a time when someone has been really kind to you? What happened? How did you feel?
- What are some reasons why people might hesitate to show kindness to others?
- Who is the kindest person you know? Explain.
- Can showing kindness to others change the world? How?
- What are your ideas for making the world a kinder and more loving place? Give examples of what you can do!
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Freedom Writers: Discussion
- Answer question in your notebooks:
- Finish watching the movie
- Discussion
In groups of 3-4 as you are seated, discuss these (and more) topics on the cards in front of you with your classmates.
Equip yourselves with these discussion words:
Re-cap: Write a few sentences explaining what the movie is about. Who is the main character? What is she like? How would you describe Woodrow Wilson High School and its students?
- What are some ways that Mrs Gruwell tries to make the students interested?
- Why do the students not respect Mrs Gruwell at first? What do they tell her when she asks about it?
- How does Mrs Gruwell's husband feel about her teaching job?
- Why do you think the other teachers are "against" Mrs Gruwell?
- Words
Homework for next thursday: Pick five of the following words, find out what they mean and write sentences with the words. Hand in your notebook to me after said lesson.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Thursday, November 8
- Introduction: Discuss these questions with your deskmate.
Do you think that any group is discriminated against in Sweden today? Explain your answer.
Some referendums in Sweden treated the ban of alcohol (1922), right-hand traffic (1955), and membership in the EU. Do you think there should be a referendum today about anything? If so, what and why?
What do you know about aboriginals in Australia? - Prepare by going through these words:
- Watch the short film "Vote Yes"
- After watching – talk with a friend
1. Using only keywords, try to summarize briefly what happened in the film.
2. If you had to use only one word to tell what the film was about, what word would it be?
3. What is Elizabeth's job?
4. What is Susan, the mother, wearing that makes the dad react?
5. Try to describe what happened in the laundry scene.
6. Describe Susan's feelings in three different instances of the film.
7. Describe Howard's feelings in three different instances of the film.
8. What do you think Howard means when he says: “not in front of the kids”?
9. Describe Elizabeth’s feelings in three different instances of the film.
10. What gender roles did you notice in the film?
11. What class roles did you notice in the film?
If you finish discussing early, work with the blog post called "National test preparation"
... and towards the end of the lesson, we are going to decide what to do next here:
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Freedom Writers: Lesson 3
1. Answer these questions in your notebook:
In what way do you think Wilson High School (the school in Freedom Writers) is different from this school?Are your school and the school from the movie the same in any way?
2. Hand in your notebook along with your homework.
3. Continue watching movie.
4. Kahoot!
Monday, November 5, 2018

Before watching
Discuss these questions:
1) Have you or anyone you know used a fake ID? What happened?
2) When is it OK or not to lie to a parent or guardian?
3) Could it sometimes be OK for parents or guardians to lie to their children, or never?
Before we watch the film
Work with words here:
After watching: Talk in pairs:
1. When reading the name of the film, whom in the movie do you think of?
2. What happened when Norm tried to pay for the movie the first time, going with his wife?
3. Why did the young man get suspicious?
4. Why did Norm not enjoy the movie?
5. How much money did Norm actually earn at the film when using his fake ID?
6. How much is that, more or less, in Swedish crowns?
7. How much did a fake ID cost?
8. How much is that in Swedish crowns?
9. How did the young man know the truth?
10. In the end, do you think it was worth the money?
11. What could be the reason why the fake ID stated: “Alaska”?
12. Norm’s last words are: “Don't tell my wife”. Do you think he could have or should have said anything else, in order to get into the cinema? If so, what? What would you have answered?
Are there any situations in which you think it should not be necessary with an age limit?
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Words and phrases
On , if you use the username susles7812 and the password hello you will find a list of old topics of the national tests. These sets of words are called "National test - Questions and answers" and "National test cards".
In these two sets of words on Quizlet you can practice discussion phrases: &
In these two sets of words on Quizlet you can practice discussion phrases: &
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
The Fake
Before watching:
Write an answer to these questions in your notebook.
1) Have you or anyone you know used a fake ID? What happened?
2) When is it OK or not to lie to a parent or guardian? Motivate your answer.
3) Could it sometimes be OK for parents or guardians to lie to their children, or never? Motivate your answers.
During the film: Try to make a word list of words and phrases that are unknown to you.
After watching: First write a couple of keywords to 1-12 silently, and then talk in pairs:
1. When reading the name of the film, whom in the movie do you think of?
2. What happened when Norm tried to pay for the movie the first time, going with his wife?
3. Why did the young man get suspicious?
4. Why did Norm not enjoy the movie?
5. How much money did Norm actually earn at the film when using his fake ID?
6. How much is that, more or less, in Swedish crowns?
7. How much did a fake ID cost?
8. How much is that in Swedish crowns?
9. How did the young man know the truth?
10. In the end, do you think it was worth the money?
11. What could be the reason why the fake ID stated: “Alaska”?
12. Norm’s last words are: “Don't tell my wife”. Do you think he could have or should have said anything else, in order to get into the cinema? If so, what? What would you have answered?
Are there any situations in which you think it should not be necessary with an age limit?
Monday, October 15, 2018
Was life better in the good old days?
During today's lesson, we are going to discuss whether life was actually better in the good old days, or if life is better in our bright new world.
To start off, have a look at the picture and write down your thoughts about it. Have you ever heard someone older than you say that life was better in the past? Do you agree with them or do you think that life is better now? Why do you think people may say that life was better before?
Write down your answers in your notebook!
Then, we are going to read and listen to a text about the Good Old Days and the Bright New World: (Chapter 1B: Life Past and Present)
Refresh your discussion skills in English with these phrases:
... and these:
In what ways do you think that life was better in the good old days?
In what ways do you think that life is better in our bright new world?
To start off, have a look at the picture and write down your thoughts about it. Have you ever heard someone older than you say that life was better in the past? Do you agree with them or do you think that life is better now? Why do you think people may say that life was better before?
Write down your answers in your notebook!
Then, we are going to read and listen to a text about the Good Old Days and the Bright New World: (Chapter 1B: Life Past and Present)
Refresh your discussion skills in English with these phrases:
... and these:
In what ways do you think that life was better in the good old days?
In what ways do you think that life is better in our bright new world?
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Dunblane/Sandy Hook
We will learn more about what happend in Dunblane and Sandy Hook. We will watch a short film and have discussions in small groups.
First, you need to work with the following words:

Thursday, September 27, 2018
The first date
Work with words here:
Then, work with this exercise:
Read text "The First Date" (pages 18-19, Textbook)
Work with "Did you get it" and answer in you yellow notebook.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Ask her out
We are going to read and listen to a conversation between Mark, Gary and Jess.
- First you need to work with these words:
- Work with "Did you get it?" Textbook page 10, answer in your notebook.
- Work with booklet.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Conspiracy Theories II
Intro: What did you learn about conspiracy theories last lesson? If you were not present, what do you know about conspiracy theories?
Prepare: Study these words
Watch: In this clip we are going to listen to a man with a theory.
Reflect: Think + take notes in your notebook.
What is this TED talk about? Summarize in a few sentences.
What is so special about 4 o'clock in the morning? What makes it so mysterious and fascinating?
Why do you think people believe in conspiracy theories?
What kind of questions would you ask a conspiracy theorist?
Discuss: Talk to your classmate/s and share your ideas. In which questions had you come up with similar answers and where did your ideas differ?
Conclusion: What have you learn so far about conspiracy theories? What else would you like to know?
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Jobs: Job Adverts
For today's lesson, you are going to prepare for your writing task next week. You are going to pick one of the job adverts
or here:
and make a plan for how you are going to write your cv and cover letter to apply for the job. Make a mindmap in your notebook and bring it with you to class on Wednesday.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Memes, memes, memes
Look at this presentation to find out what you are doing:
When you make your own, (keep in mind that it needs to be appropriate) meme, you can use this page:
Share with me by the end of the lesson. Send me the link to your meme, or make a screenshot of it and save to your drive, then share with me.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Practice reading and listening
Answer in your notebook.
Use to look up any difficult words:
You can answer in your notebook, or on Google forms:
Answer in your notebook.
Use to look up any difficult words:
You can answer in your notebook, or on Google forms:
Monday, September 3, 2018
Monday, September 3
1) Warm-up: Riddle
You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus:
1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.
Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose?
Hint: You can make everyone happy, but your car can only contain one passenger. Whom should it be?
2) Finish your national reading test
Practice your reading: (Level B1 or higher)
Read news at your level in English:
Write about what you have read in a document that you share with me. What did you learn?
3) Work with I am done!
4) Exit ticket in your notebooks:
How did you feel about the reading test?
Level of difficulty, time, types of questions...
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Thursday, August 30
Warm-up: Riddle
You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus:
1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.
Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose?
- Do last bit of listening comprehension: 30ish minutes left.
- Watch this Ted talk:
What is the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset? Give examples!
What did you learn from the clip?
How can you apply what Angela talks about to your studies this year?
What is the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset? Give examples!
What did you learn from the clip?
How can you apply what Angela talks about to your studies this year?
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Life Past and Present
Good Old Days & Bright New World
Have you heard people talk about the good old days, saying that everything was a lot better then? Today we will talk about how our lifestyle changed over the years.
Work with words here
Read the text on pages 12-13 in Textbook.
Work with these exercises
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Odd Jobs
Odd Jobs
What's your Dream job? Who wants to be a golfball diver, an odour judge or a knife thrower's assistant? Today we will start our project about jobs. We will start with learning about odd jobs that actually exists.
- Work with words here:
- Read (listen) the text Odd Jobs in What's Up 8.
- Click or drag the Swedish words to the correct English translation.
- Do the Did you get it? in your notebook.
If time left: Work with words here:
Pick five of the words from the Quizlet set and make sentences using them. Write in your notebook.

Jobs I
Today we are going to learn about different jobs.
- Practice words here:
Learn these words until next week if you do not know them!
Some of you need more of a challenge. Work with these words instead:
- Listen to the three short dialogues and decide...
What job does the person have? Where do they work?
- What kind of job would you like to have in the future? Explain.
What kind of job would you not like to have? Explain... - Answer on Socrative:
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
The Accident
Today we will work with a text called The Accident. It is a story about an accident that really happend and changed the lives of those involved.
Work with words from the text here:
Read/Listen; The Accident in your textbook on page 8.
Work with the following exercises:
- Click or drag the Swedish words to the correct English translation
Fill in the missing words in the sentences. (Textbook, page 10)
Talk about it
We are going to discuss following questions;
- Do you think that drinking and driving is very common in Sweden?
- Some people react very strongly against drunk driving. Why do they?
- What do you personally think about drinking and driving? Is is very serious, or could you accept it under some circumstances? Or would you perhaps rather go for a zero tolerance?
- What about other drugs and driving? Is it very common, and how dangerous is it?
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Last English lesson of grundskolan
Oh my, how time has flown... This afternoon is our last English lesson of year nine. I can't believe it's all over, but we'll make the most of our last class together.
There will be some speeches and handing out of your very own Yearbook that you have created together. In order to keep with the traditions, you are going to sign each other's copies and for it to be as successful as possible, you are going to learn the art of yearbook signing here:
Monday, June 4, 2018
Above the Influence
Read these facts about alcohol:
Answer these questions:
How do people's personalities and behaviour change when they drink alcohol - in your experience?
Answer these questions:
How do people's personalities and behaviour change when they drink alcohol - in your experience?
What part does alcohol play in Swedish culture? If you have another background, is there a difference from your (or your parents') home country? How is that different from what you read today?
What do you think should be the legal age to drink alcohol and why?
Should parents be allowed to buy alcohol for their children? Why/why not?
Write in a document that you share with me.
Finished? Take the quiz to find out whether you are above the influence when it comes to pressure:
Finished with all this? Then it's your lucky day, you get to learn about malaphors in English!
Download this document so that you can write in it: Finished with all this? Then it's your lucky day, you get to learn about malaphors in English!
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Start with learning these words:
Then you are going to listen to a news program in English and answer the questions about the program here: (04A) (04C)
Answer the questions on your own, without any help from anyone.
The last two questions are about your opinion and don't have any right or wrong answer. Try to elaborate your answer on these ones and write as much as you can.
Then you are going to listen to a news program in English and answer the questions about the program here: (04A) (04C)
Answer the questions on your own, without any help from anyone.
The last two questions are about your opinion and don't have any right or wrong answer. Try to elaborate your answer on these ones and write as much as you can.
Monday, May 28, 2018
Plan for Tuesday, May 29 and Thursday, May 31
If you are finished with the Coach Carter text and have had me listen to your discussion...
Write about your favorite song OR if you feel up for it, prepare and make a presentation about a topic of your choice.
If you are going to write about your favorite song, include the following information:
Write about your favorite song OR if you feel up for it, prepare and make a presentation about a topic of your choice.
If you are going to write about your favorite song, include the following information:
- Who has written the song and when was it written?
- If you can find it, research the history of the song. i.e Why did the artist write the song? Which spot did it reach in the top lists?
- Include parts of the lyrics. What do you think the artist is trying to say?
- What do you think about the song? Give reasons for your opinion.
- ... and any other info that you can think of.
- Write in a Google document or Word Online. Share it with me.
If you are going to make a presentation... have it be around 5 minutes and be ready to present on Tuesday, June 5th.
Finished with text about your favorite song or all the preparations for the presentation?
Then it's your lucky day, you get to learn about malaphors in English!
Download this document so that you can write in it:
... or you can work with Extra practice here on the blog.
Yours is the time during these lessons. Make good use of it.
Finished with text about your favorite song or all the preparations for the presentation?
Then it's your lucky day, you get to learn about malaphors in English!
Download this document so that you can write in it:
... or you can work with Extra practice here on the blog.
Yours is the time during these lessons. Make good use of it.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Bits and Pieces on Animals
Today you will work with a text about animals.
Before you read the text, I want you to work with words here:
Read the text on page 34-35, in textbook.
Work with a friend and match the titles with the different articles on "Did you get it?"
Work with the following exercises:
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Jobs: Our Future Jobs
Let's turn our focus to the future a little bit. What kinds of jobs will there be in 40 years from now? First, let us watch this clip:
Then, let's think and discuss.
What kind of jobs do you think we will have in the future? Work in pairs and use your imagination. Create jobs that you think we will have in 2058. I want you to write a description of the future jobs, but I also want you to be able to talk about it. Motivate why you think this would be your future job and explain why. Create pictures and add if you want to.
Write your description of future jobs on Padlet:
Then, let's think and discuss.
What kind of jobs do you think we will have in the future? Work in pairs and use your imagination. Create jobs that you think we will have in 2058. I want you to write a description of the future jobs, but I also want you to be able to talk about it. Motivate why you think this would be your future job and explain why. Create pictures and add if you want to.
Write your description of future jobs on Padlet:
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Coach Carter - Writing Assignment
Describe your current school situation and why you think it is that way.
First paragraph: Describe your dreams and hopes for the future.
Write about whether you need to change the way you study.
If yes, write about why you want that change and how you can make it.
If no, explain how what you are doing in school will make your dreams come true.
Second paragraph: Write about how one or more persons in the movie inspires you.
You can either choose a person that sets a good example for you, or a person who sets an example of what you don't want for yourself in the future. Or both.
Explain what you take with you from studying this movie and how it can inspire you to work for your own future. Are your efforts in school already good enough to take you where you want to go, or do you need to change your priorities?
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Careers chat
Read/listen; Careers Chat in your textbook on page 22.
When you have read the text, work with Did you get it? Write your answers in your notebook.
Work with words from the text here:
Fill in the missing words:
Do as many tasks as you can in your booklet.
E-mails from the heart
Read about Alex, a boy from California who found an ad on the net. He dicided to write an e-mail to the person who had written the ad, Chris West, from Scotland.
When you have read the text, I want you to answer the Did you get it questions. Write your answers in your notebook.
Work with words from the text here:
Click or drag the Swedish words to the correct English translation:
Who is it - Chris or Alex? (see page 21):
If you have time left work with the different exercises in the booklet. Do as many tasks as you can..
When you have read the text, I want you to answer the Did you get it questions. Write your answers in your notebook.
Work with words from the text here:
Click or drag the Swedish words to the correct English translation:
Who is it - Chris or Alex? (see page 21):
If you have time left work with the different exercises in the booklet. Do as many tasks as you can..
Convince us!
You are going to prepare and deliver a short persuasive speech. That is, you are going to choose a topic to argue for and convince people about your opinion.
Your presentation could be about a topic from the list below, or it could be something else that you want to argue for. The choice is yours.
All students should wear uniforms in school.
School must start two hours later, because students are very tired
Separating boys and girls help them perform better in school
Parents must limit how much time their children spend on tech devices - two hours per day is enough
Mobile phones should be banned during the whole school day
Grades are not necessary - children study anyway
Homework should be forbidden
Schools should offer cash bonuses for good test scores
Students committing cyber bullying should be expelled from school.
Students need more holidays
Cats are better than dogs (or vice versa)
Messi is better than Ronaldo (or vice versa)
How do you do give a persuasive speech?
Look at this picture from awesome colleagues for help as well:
Your presentation could be about a topic from the list below, or it could be something else that you want to argue for. The choice is yours.
All students should wear uniforms in school.
School must start two hours later, because students are very tired
Separating boys and girls help them perform better in school
Parents must limit how much time their children spend on tech devices - two hours per day is enough
Mobile phones should be banned during the whole school day
Grades are not necessary - children study anyway
Homework should be forbidden
Schools should offer cash bonuses for good test scores
Students committing cyber bullying should be expelled from school.
Students need more holidays
Cats are better than dogs (or vice versa)
Messi is better than Ronaldo (or vice versa)
How do you do give a persuasive speech?
- Start with stating your opinion clearly. That is, tell your audience what you think about a topic.
- Then give reasons for why you think the way you do. You should have at least three reasons for your opinion. Use linking words and phrases to connect your opinions and reasons.
- Say something about what other people may think about this subject, then say why they are wrong and you are right. In other words, refute their argument.
- Finish with a concluding statement.
Look at the example below:
In my opinion, smoking should be banned in public spaces for several reasons.
First of all, smoking bothers other people. It smells horrible and causes other people to cough.
Another reason to ban smoking in public places is the influence smoking has on teenagers. When teenagers see young adults smoking, the teenagers may think it is cool and start a habit that is very difficult to quit.
Also, smoking is bad for your health. Not only does it affect the smokers, but it causes lung and throat cancer in people who inhale secondhand smoke.
Some people might say that smoking outside is not so bad, because the smoke blows away and won't bother anyone. But even if the smoke doesn't always affect people, smoking is a filthy habit. Smokers leave their cigarette butts on the ground and drop their ashes anywhere.
Finally, smoking can be very dangerous since careless smokers who throw away cigarettes sometimes cause building and forest fires.
So, in conclusion, I think that the ban on smoking is necessary in order to protect people
What should you keep in mind when you speak?
Do not, I repeat, do not read from a script! Write down keywords or draw a mind map of what you are going to say, but don't read a text out loud. That is not the point of this assignment.
How will you be assessed?
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